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《灵界经历》 第4168节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4168

4168. I spoke with spirits about this, who complained about the fact that they do not remember personal matters of memory - that even though they do have them, they are not permitted to bring them forth - as in the case of a certain one who was skilled and expert beyond others in the Greek Language, who was asked what need there was for such knowledge in the other life? Is it any more than a means for understanding, and when they have the solution, what need is there for those means?

But it is remarkable that when they recall to memory the life they led, what they had done, and what they had said, they remember that as if they possessed the very best memory, so they do have with them a complete memory of places, actions, and utterances. 1749, 11 Mar. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Saturn, meaning Saturday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4168

4168. Speaking with spirits on this subject they complained that they could not recall the memory of particulars; although they had them stored up, yet they were not permitted to bring them forth, as in the case of a certain one who was eminently skilled and accomplished in the knowledge of the Greek language, of whom it was asked, what need of such things in the other life? are they anything more than the mediums of intelligence? and when [the clear light of] reason is enjoyed, what need of mediums? But it is wonderful that even when their past life is recalled to memory [by the Lord], what they have done and what they have said, they recognize it as nothing else than the effect of a powerful memory, just as if they were in full possession of the memory of places, actions and words. - 1749, March 11.

Experientiae Spirituales 4168 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4168. Loquutus cum spiritibus de hoc, qui conquesti quod particulariae memoriae non reminiscantur, tametsi habeant, tamen non depromere liceat, ut cuidam qui Linguam Graecam prae aliis calluerit et excoluerit, cui dictum, quid opus talibus in altera vita? sunt modo media intelligendi; cum rationem habeant, quid mediis opus? sed mirum, [quod] usque cum revocantur iis in memoria vita acta, quid egerunt, et quid dixerunt, hoc ita rescirent sicut memoria optima pollerent, sic ut prorsus secum habeant memoriam, locorum, actionum, dictorum. 1749, 11 Mart.

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