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《灵界经历》 第4173节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4173

4173. About use

I spoke with spirits about use, who were displeased that I had so much to say about use. But they were told that there is nothing in the world without a use. In any Kingdom it is asked of what use something, or someone is, and if someone is not useful, he is rejected as worthless. How much more is this the case in the Kingdom of the Lord, whence every use is derived? An atmosphere was portrayed according to the mental imagery of angelic spirits as an aura of uses, and it was said that in the Kingdom of the Lord there is nothing but use, whereupon he began in this atmosphere to flee away, saying that he could not breathe. 1749, 12 March. 1


1. Astrological symbol of the sun, meaning Sunday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4173


I conversed with spirits concerning use. They were indignant that I had so much to say on this subject; but it was said in reply that use is all in all - that in the world, in a kingdom, the main question is in regard to use; and so in respect to a man [we ask] what use does he subserve? If he is not useful he is rejected as worthless. How much more then in the Lord's kingdom, where use is everything. There was then represented, according to the ideas of angelic spirits, a sphere as an aura of uses, and it was said that in the Lord's kingdom there is nothing but use. [One of the above mentioned class] being in such a sphere began to hurry away, saying that he could not respire there. - 1749, March 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 4173 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4173. De usu

Loquutus sum cum spiritibus, de usu, indignati quod tam multum loquutus de usu, sed dictum eis, quod absque usu nihil, in mundo, in Regno quaeritur cui usui, et de homine, ad quid utile, si non utilis, quod rejiciatur sicut nauci, quid non in Regno Domini, unde omnis usus? repraesentabatur secundum ideas spirituum angelicorum sphaera sicut aura usuum, dictumque quod in Regno Domini nihil nisi usus sit, tunc in tali sphaera incepit aufugere, dicens quod non respirare posset. 1749, 12 Martius.

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