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《灵界经历》 第4177节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4177

4177. About the protection of certain spirits

I saw a certain spirit who had been thrust down somewhat toward the lower regions, but there appeared an angel floating above him, by whom he was set free, and it was said that this is a sign that the good are liberated from the evil. 1749, 22 March. 1

About Wood-cutters

[2] Some remain such for a longer, some for a shorter time. While they are splitting logs, it appears as if something of the Lord is under the pieces of wood, so that the wood symbolizes self-merit. The more there is of the Lord in the wood, the longer they remain such, but when that begins to disappear, then their purging draws to an end. Finally when nothing more of the Lord appears, their purging is finished, and they are raised up to heaven - which I have also observed, where they fluctuate for some time between truth and falsity. 1749, 22 March. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Mercury, meaning Wednesday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4177


I saw a certain one who had been thrust by evil spirits to some distance downwards, when there appeared an angel floating above him, by whom he was delivered; and it was said that this was a sign that the good are delivered from the evil. - 1749, March 22.


Some remain in this employment for a longer, and some for a shorter time. While they are cutting wood it appears as if somewhat of the Lord was under the wood, wherefore the wood denotes [what they regard as] merit, and the more there is of the Lord in the wood, the longer do they remain [thus employed], but when it begins to disappear, then their vastation draws to an end. At length when nothing more of the Lord appears, the vastation is then wholly complete, and they are taken up to heaven, as I have myself seen; where however they fluctuate for some time between truth and falsity. - 1749, March 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 4177 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4177. De tutela quorundam

Vidi quendam a spiritibus malis depressum versus inferiora paulum, sed apparuit angelus fluctuans super eum, quo ille liberatus, et dictum, quod hoc indicium sit liberari bonos a malis. 1749, 22 Martius.

De Lignariis

Quidam diu tales sunt, quidam intra brevius tempus, apparet quum ligna scindunt, quasi quid Domini sub lignis, sic ut lignum sit meritum, quo plus Domini in lignis, eo diutius tales manent, at cum incipit hoc disparere, tunc tendit ad finem vastationis, demum cum nihil Domini amplius apparet, tunc vastatio est finita, et auferuntur ad coelum, quod etiam vidi, ubi aliquamdiu fluctuant inter verum et falsum. 1749, 22 Martius.

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