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《灵界经历》 第4179节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4179

4179. About certain acquaintances

Throughout the whole night, many acquaintances were around me, and I slept, and I was with them, and I saw them in sleep impersonating others, and spoke with them. When I awoke, their identity was exposed, and I spoke with them.

I dreamt that I had come to a demolished temple, where only the ruins of altaner 1remained. When I came to one of them, I began to sink down, causing me to feel horror (hissna 2) that I might fall down into the depth; and then I awoke. The dream symbolized the condition today of the magnificent Temple of the Lord, His Word, that only such ruins are left, that easily fall way. 1749, 26 March. 1


1. Swedish for "altars."

2. Swedish for "vertigo," "acrophobia."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4179


I was surrounded during the whole night by those who were known to me, and while I slept I was present with them, and in the midst of them, and spoke with them under the semblance of other persons than they really were. On awaking they were detected as being those with whom I conversed. I dreamed twice that I came to a temple that was overthrown, where only the ruins of altars remained, and as I came into the midst of one of these masses of rubbish, I perceived myself beginning to sink, which occasioned a thrill of horror (:hissna). 1lest I should be engulfed below, which caused me to awake. The dream signified the condition, at this day, of the magnificent Temple of the Lord, His own Word, of which there only remains such ruins, and these so liable to fall and sink. - 1749, March 26.


1. A Swedish word signifying to shudder.

Experientiae Spirituales 4179 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4179. De notis

Per totam noctem noti circum me fuerunt plures, et dormivi, et cum illis eram, et eos in somno sub aliis personis vidi, et loquutus, cum evigilatus, detecti, quod ii essent, cum iis loquutus; somniavi quod venerim ad templum dirutum, ubi solum rudera ex altaner remanerent, in quarum unam cum venirem, incepi subsidere, inde horror hissna quod deciderem in profundum, inde evigilatus: somnium significabat quale hodie est Templum magnificum Domini, Ipsius Verbum, quod solum talia rudera superessent, quae facile decidunt. 1749, 26 Martius.

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