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《灵界经历》 第418节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 418

418. How permissions are portrayed in nature

Permissions in Heaven are pictured in nature by the threefold or fourfold atmospheres, the one being a step purer than the other. Each subsequent one is composed from the one before, and acts upon the next composed atmosphere both from within and from without - so that in each single part of the last atmosphere, the prior ones are present in their order.

While the last atmosphere is troubled by harsh weather, the one immediately prior to it is working quite calmly both from without and from within in its least parts, thus in the part and in the whole. The atmosphere prior to that does likewise, still more calmly, and the first one most calmly or peacefully, it being the all in all of the following atmospheres both in their parts and in the whole. In this way, by producing a calm, a prior atmosphere, and especially, the first, acts upon the following atmospheres, and through these upon the last one, and restores equilibrium, however turbulent the last atmosphere may be from wind or storm.

So it is in the heavens between the heavenly beings, and the spirits who form as it were a last atmosphere, where there are storms. One standing there would think that the whole heaven was falling because of the appearing storms, downpours, black clouds; yet after their assault, they are peacefully brought back to rest in response to the nod and will of God the Messiah.

These things were thought, but written down in the presence of spirits. 1747, the 29th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 418


Permissions in heaven are represented in nature by the threefold, or fourfold atmospheres, the one purer than the other according to degrees, the one that follows being compounded from the prior, which acts proximately upon the compound within and without; thus in each single part of the ultimate atmosphere, there are the prior atmospheres in their order. When the ultimate atmosphere is disturbed by a tempest, then the next prior atmosphere acts tranquilly enough, both without and within, in the single parts, thus in the part and in the whole; the atmosphere which is prior to that acts still more tranquilly; and the first, which is the all in all of the following atmospheres in the part and in the whole, acts most tranquilly or pacifically. Thus the prior, and especially the first atmosphere operates with tranquil action upon the following atmospheres, and by these upon the ultimate, and reduces that ultimate atmosphere to equilibrium, however tumultuous it may be owing to wind or tempest. So is it in the heavens among the heavenly lives and the spirits, who are, as it were, the ultimate atmosphere where there are tempests. Anyone who stands there supposes that the whole heaven will perish because the storms, mists, black clouds are clearly seen; but still after their outburst they are quietly reduced to rest in accordance with the behest and will of God Messiah. These things have been thought and written in the presence of spirits. 1747, Dec. 29.

Experientiae Spirituales 418 (original Latin 1748-1764)

418. Permissiones quomodo per naturam repraesentantur

In natura repraesentantur permissiones in Coelo, per atmosphaeras triplices vel quadruplices, unam puriorem secundum gradus altera, sequentem compositam a priori, quae in proxime compositam agit intus et extra, ita in unaquavis parte atmosphaerae ultimae ordine sunt priores; dum ultima atmosphaera turbatur tempestate, tunc proxime prior tranquille satis agit, tam extus quam intus in singulo, sic in parte et in communi, prior adhuc atmosphaera adhuc tranquillius, et prima tranquillissime seu pacifice, quae est omnis in omnibus sequentibus in parte et communi, ita per tranquillum actum prior, et cumprimis prima atmosphaera agit in sequentes, et per has in ultimam, redigitque ad aequilibrium, utcunque tumultuat atmosphaera ultima vento seu tempestate, ita in coelis inter vitas coelestes, et spiritus, qui sunt quasi ultima atmosphaera, ubi tempestates: ibi qui stat, putat, quod totum coelum rueret, quia procellae, nimbi, nubes atrae conspiciuntur, sed usque post eorum excursum, pacifice rediguntur ad quietem, convenientem nutui ac voluntati Dei Messiae. Haec cogitata sunt, at 1

scripta in praesentia spirituum. 1747, d. 29 Dec.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition, et

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