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《灵界经历》 第4190节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4190

4190. About what is general

How the matter stands regarding generals in relation to particulars, namely that particulars cannot exist without their general, is evident from those in the other life when they are speaking and thinking. There is a general inflow, and there are general inflows, that control everything they are thinking and saying; and there are particulars that adapt themselves to the generals, outside of whose realm the thoughts and speaking can in no wise wander. The generals have the affect of determining the limits, and also the quality, and thus pertain to quantities and at the same time to qualities.

[2] A certain general is ruling, but there are many generals at the same time that wonderfully control the thoughts and the speech of each one as well as everything else. When they are thinking and speaking within the aura of the generals, they do so as if from themselves, having the affect that they do not know otherwise. But when they are thinking and speaking what does not so much pertain to the general aura, then they do so not as if from themselves. Depending on the different degrees of removal from the general aura, they are perceived and heard as if absent, or farther away, and they are perceived as more or less doing so from themselves, because they are not within the aura.

They do not so much think about these matters, but it does affect them according to the apparent distance of the aura. About the resulting feeling that remains, much could be said that I am not yet able to tell. 1749, 1 April. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Jupiter, meaning Thursday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4190

4190. CONCERNING THE GENERAL [De communi].

How the case is in regard to generals and particulars respectively, and how there is no possibility of particulars being given without a general, appears from those in the other life, who, when they speak and think, are subject to greater and lesser general influxes, which govern their thoughts and utterances. There are particulars also, which accommodate themselves to generals, beyond the sphere of which the thoughts and the speech can by no means pass, as these generals prescribe limits, and also the quality and the mode in which they shall affect; so that there are generals both of quantities and of qualities. The general of quality is the ruling one, but there are many generals existing together, which wonderfully govern the thoughts and speech of everyone, and everything else in fact. When anyone thinks and speaks within the sphere of generals, it is as if he did it from himself; the effect is such that he does not know otherwise. On the other hand, when one thinks and speaks what is not thus related to a general sphere, then it is as if not from himself; it is perceived and heard as more or less remote from himself, according to the degrees of remoteness of the sphere. It is perceived also, as more or less remote from one's-self, because not within the sphere. Upon all this one is not apt to reflect, but thinks and speaks according to the apparent distance of the sphere. The case is similar in regard to the manner in which one affects the general sphere; but of this reacting affection much might be said to which I am scarcely competent at present. - 1749, April 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 4190 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4190. De communi

Quomodo se habent communia, et respective particularia, et quod nusquam particularia dari queant nisi eorum commune sit, constat ab iis in altera vita, cum loquuntur et cogitant, quod influxus communis sit, tum influxus communes, qui regunt, quae cogitant et loquuntur, sunt particularia, quae se accommodant communibus, extra quorum 285 sphaeram nusquam possunt cogitata et loquela extravagari, communia praescribunt limites, tum qualitatem, prout afficiunt, ita communia sunt quantitatum et simul qualitatum; commune quoddam est regnans, sed sunt plura communia simul, quae mirabiliter regunt cujusvis cogitata et loquelam, tum omnia caetera; cum quis intra sphaeram communium cogitat et loquitur, est sicut a se, ita afficiunt, ut non aliter sciat; cum autem cogitat et loquitur, quod non ad sphaeram communem ita pertinet, tunc sicut non a se, secundum differentias remotionis sphaerae, percipitur et auditur sicut absentius, seu longius a se, percipitur quoque sicut magis vel minus a se, quia non intra sphaeram; ad haec non ita reflectit, sed conformiter distantiae quasi sphaerae, similiter etiam afficit. De affectione inde, quae remanet inde, plura dici possunt sed nondum ita possum. 1749, 1 April.

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