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《灵界经历》 第420节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 420

420. There are some also who worship Christ as an infant, and who carry Him

There are also those who from innocence, and from harmless simplicity also, worship God the Messiah as an infant. Because of their simplicity and innocence, they, too, are let in (although they do not remain there for long), because they are innocents and simplicities, who have peace in which is innocence. There the heavenly [aura] is constantly present, which I could recognize because of the joy carried over from them.

I am prohibited from writing any more, for the reason that they worship human beings, and exhibit images of them in every temple, in every house, on the highways and at cross-roads, which is entirely forbidden; but with those who do this out of simplicity, and thus out of innocence, this is overlooked. 1747, 30 December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 420


There are also those who from innocence, and also from innocent simplicity, adore God Messiah as an infant; from their simplicity and from their innocence they are also introduced, but they do not long remain there. For they are innocences and simplicities, of which there is peace, in which is innocence. Still there is what is heavenly there, which I could recognize from the joy thence transferred to me. I am forbidden to write the other things, for the reason that they adore men and expose their images in every temple, in each house, in villages and in cross-roads, which is altogether forbidden. Those, however, who do this from simplicity, and thus from innocence, are excused. 1747, Dec. 30. 1


1. In the Index (s.v. Infans, Idola) it is added: "Those who adore the Lord as an infant, but not in simplicity and innocence, as do idolaters, are rejected."

Experientiae Spirituales 420 (original Latin 1748-1764)

420. Quod sint, qui Christum infantem quoque adorent, ut qui portant

Sunt etiam qui ex innocentia, et ex innocenti simplicitate etiam qui adorant Deum Messiam ut infantem, ii ex simplicitate, et ex innocentia etiam introducuntur, sed non diu ibi manent, quia innocentiae sunt, et simplicitates 1

, quorum 2

est pax, in qua innocentia; ibi usque est coeleste, quod ex gaudio inde translato cognoscere potui. Caetera interdicitur ut scribam, ob causam quod adorent homines et exponant idola eorum, in quolibet templo, in quavis domo, in viis et compitis, quod prorsus vetitum, sed qui ex simplicitate, et sic ex innocentia id faciunt, iis ignoscitur. 1747, 30 Dec.


1. exitus macula obscuratus in the Manuscript

2. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition quarum

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