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《灵界经历》 第4203节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4203

4203. This all shows how much and how easily one can be confirmed in evils and falsities who does not believe truths from the Lord, and that around everyone who is steeped in falsity and evil there are such dense auras, which cannot be broken through unless falsities and evils are first, over a long period, dissipated. Those auras appear as in full daylight to good spirits and angels, whose auras can in no wise agree with them. A repugnance at once arises, so they are separated, and if they do come together, those having the aura of falsity and evil around them suffer and are grievously tormented. And if by permission auras of falsity and evil should prevail, the good come into temptation, and then into anxiety and distress, as if their breathing were taken away, so that one cannot live in the aura of the other, unless they are miraculously tempered.

A spiritual aura is around everyone, as well as an earthly aura, and a bodily one. That the latter exist is obvious to everyone from the exhalation of effluvia, which is so abundant as to form a kind of sea round about a person, as scholars have proved by many experiments. 1749, 9 April. 1


1. Astrological symbol of the sun, meaning Sunday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4203

4203. It appears from this how deeply and how easily a man may be confirmed in evils and falsities, unless he cordially believes truth from the Lord, and that there are around everyone who is in falsity and evil such dense spheres, which cannot be broken through unless that by a long process falses and evils are previously dissipated. Those spheres appear as in clear day to good spirits and angels, whose spheres can by no means accord with them, as the mutual repugnance prevents their uniting; if they do come together, then those who are encompassed by a sphere of falsity and evil suffer extreme torture; and if by permission the spheres of the false and evil prevail, the good come into temptation and thence into anxieties and anguish; the respiration also is taken away, as one cannot live in the sphere of the other unless by a miraculous tempering of each. There is a spiritual sphere surrounding everyone, as well as a natural and a corporeal one, which latter, pertaining to every man, is composed of an effluvium breathed forth from around him, and which is so abundant as to form a kind of sea round about him, as in fact the learned have established by many experimental proofs. - 1749, April 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 4203 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4203. Ex quibus constare potest, quam multum et quam facile in malis et falsis confirmari potest homo, si non credat veris ex Domino; et quod circum unumquemvis qui in falso et malo, tales densae sphaerae sint, quae perrumpi non possunt, nisi prius, longo tempore, dissipentur falsa et mala: sphaerae istae apparent sicut clara die bonis spiritibus et angelis, quorum sphaerae nequaquam concordare possunt, est illico repugnantia, quare dissociantur; si coirent, quod patiantur et crucientur valde qui sphaeram falsi et mali circum se habent: et si ex permissione praevaleant sphaerae falsi et mali, quod boni in tentationem veniant, et tunc in anxietates et angustias: adimitur quasi respiratio, ut unus in alterius sphaera vivere non possit, nisi miraculose temperentur: sphaera spiritualis est circum unumquemvis, sicut sphaera naturalis, tum corporea, haec quod sit cuivis patet ex exspiratione effluviosa, quae tanta ut instar pelagi sit circum hominem, quod eruditi multis comprobarunt per experientias. 1749, 9 April.

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