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《灵界经历》 第4219节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4219

4219. 1About the moon in heaven

A brilliantly shining Moon was shown to me, surrounded by many small moons similarly shining. The light was almost solar in brightness, quite lively. I asked about this, as the spirits supposed it to be the Moon with little moons surrounding it not visible on our earth. But I was informed that the Lord so appears to the spiritual angels, but to the heavenly angels as a sun, and that they have their light from this source in heaven - thus that the light of the spiritual is from the Lord appearing as the Moon. And even if He does not appear as the Moon, still their light is similar to the light of the Moon shining brilliantly, and the light of the heavenly as the light of the sun. 1749, 14 April. This Moon did not appear to the right, where the Lord is, but in front, up above.


1. This paragraph is emphasized marginally in the manuscript by a vertical wavy line.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4219


There was shown me a Moon shining, surrounded by a great number of little moons similarly shining. The light was almost solar, and quite lifelike. Upon making inquiry in regard to this [I found that] the spirits supposed that they were the Moon encompassed with such lunettes [lunulae], but that they were not visible on our earth. I was informed, however, that the Lord appears in this manner to the spiritual angels, but to the celestial angels as a sun, and that from this source is the light of the celestials in heaven, while the light of the spirituals is from the Lord appearing as a moon; and although he does not really appear as a Moon, yet their light is similar to that of the Moon vividly shining, while the light of the celestials is like that of the sun. - 1749, April 14. This Moon did not appear on the right where the Lord is, but above in front.

Experientiae Spirituales 4219 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4219. De luna in coelo

Ostensa mihi fuit Luna splendens cum lunulis circum pluribus parvis similiter splendentibus, lumen erat quasi solare, satis vivum; quaesivi quid hoc, putabant spiritus esse Lunam et tales lunulas circumcirca, in hac tellure non conspicuas, sed informatus, quod ita appareat Dominus angelis spiritualibus, at angelis coelestibus ut sol; et quod inde lux eorum in coelo, ita quod lux spiritualium sit ex Domino apparente sicut Luna, et tametsi non apparet sicut Luna, usque lux eorum similis est luci sicut Lunae vive splendentis; et lux coelestium sicut lux solis. 1749, 14 April. Luna haec non apparuit ad dextrum, ubi Dominus, sed antrorsum supra.

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