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《灵界经历》 第4222节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4222

4222. About conscience, and about angels

I was inspired to realize how the conscience is formed: one learns that something is true and good, and when one is thinking this, and it occurs that something is true and good - at first for some purpose or other either of self, or of the world or of eternal life when this recurs frequently, it becomes familiar, so that one does not know that it comes from a truth one has learned. Then, by the Lord, purposes looking to self and the world are gradually removed, and so far as they are removed, so far there is charity, so that there is no selfish motive. 1749, 15 April. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Saturn, meaning Saturday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4222


It was given me to perceive how conscience is formed. A man learns that this or that is true and good, and when he thinks of this and it occurs to him that it is true and good - usually in the first instance from some particular end, as either of self, or the world, or eternal life - and the thing becomes very familiar by recurrence, he at length ceases to be aware that he actually and of truth acquired the perception. Then the ends of self and the world are gradually removed by the Lord, and so far as they are removed, so far charity succeeds, till finally there is no selfish end remaining. - 1749, April 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 4222 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4222. De conscientia et de angelis

Dabatur mihi percipere quomodo conscientia formatur: addiscit quod hoc verum et bonum sit, et hoc cum cogitat, et obvenit quod hoc verum et bonum, ex fine aliquo primum, sive sui sive mundi, sive vitae aeternae, cum saepe hoc recurrit fit familiare, ut nesciat quod ex vero quod didicit. Tunc a Domino sensim removentur fines propter se et mundum, et quantum removentur, tantum charitas; sic ut nullus finis propter se. 1749, 15 April.

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