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《灵界经历》 第4224节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4224

4224. About states

A spirit passes through all possible states of mind. When he comes into a state that is familiar to him, he then comes into his own life, and it was seen that upon first arriving at that state, he has the urge to plunge himself into the state of his own life. Now because he passes through all possible states, therefore when he comes into contrary states, then he is at once distressed, or punished, and when he rushes into greater evil than what has become actual in practice with him, then he punishes himself, or runs into punishment. 1749, 15 April.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4224


A spirit runs through all possible states, and when he comes into a state familiar to him, he then comes into his life, and it was perceived that at the first accession of that state, the spirit desires to plunge himself [as it were] into the state of his life, and inasmuch as a spirit passes through all possible states, therefore when he comes into contrary states, he is immediately pained or mulcted, and when he rushes into evil beyond the measure of actuality he has acquired, he then punishes himself or runs against punishment. - 1749, April 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 4224 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4224. De statibus

Spiritus percurrit omnes status possibiles, cum venit in statum sibi familiarem, tunc venit in vitam suam, et perceptum est, quod ad primum status istius adventum cupiat praecipitare se in statum vitae suae; quia omnes status possibiles percurrit, cum venit in status contrarios, tunc illico angitur vel mulctatur, et cum ruit in majus malum quam actuale apud eum, tunc punit se, seu incurrit in punitionem. 1749, 15 April.

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