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《灵界经历》 第4226节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4226

4226. 1About the continual reflection, and the continual presence of the Lord with the angels

About auras

It was seen earlier [4221] how the matter stands in regard to continual reflection, namely, that it is not connate to man, but is imbued through habit from early childhood so as finally to become as if natural, as said about reflection on objects in the way when one is walking, on movements of the body and its limbs, the gait that becomes habitual. Unless we learned these things, we would never be able to walk on our feet, and there are many such reflections that we acquire and that become second nature. Then in our speech - both vernaculars and foreign languages - the meanings come, down into words, without our thinking about it, from habit, but we had to learn them, like those who practice on musical instruments. All the outer parts of the body are thus instilled with the knowledge, the muscles are taught in a marvelous manner, and also the sight and hearing play a part. When one is speaking, the sight is present, also the hearing in certain ways. When one is speaking with a dignitary, there is respect in every word - a quality that is likewise acquired by learning.

I realized that the same holds also in the case of those who are being regenerated. In matters of conscience, the conscience is present in every least thing they think or do, even if they are not aware of it. In one who is pious, piety is present in every least thing; in one who is obedient, obedience in every least thing; if one has charity, there is charity in every least thing; if marriage love, love is in every least thing. Even though one may not be aware of their presence, these qualities are present. With heavenly angels there is likewise presence of the Lord, even though they do not know it is the presence of the Lord. Therefore, when it is said that the Lord must be thought of continually, this is what is meant, not that man should hold his thoughts consciously [on the Lord]which may be done in the beginning, until one is gifted with such a continuity. 1749, 17 April. This then is the source of auras of faith.


1. This paragraph is emphasized marginally in the manuscript by a vertical wavy line.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4226


It was first perceived how the case is with continual reflection, that it is not innate with man, but that it is imbued by habit from infancy, so that at length it becomes as if natural. Thus is it, for instance, as I have before remarked, with reflection upon the things that one meets with in walking, upon the motions of his body and limbs, upon his gait, into all which he is led by habit; for unless he had previously learned it, he would not even know how to walk upon his feet, and of such things there are a great many with man that are at once acquired and yet naturalized. So also is it with his speech whether vernacular or foreign; the sense falls into words, while the man does not think of it, from custom, although it is the result of previous training; so also it is with those who practice upon musical instruments. All things of the external body are thus imbued, the muscles being wonderfully taught, and also the sight and hearing. When one speaks then the sight is present, as also the hearing in various manner; especially when one speaks with a person of dignified rank, there is a sentiment of respect in every single item of his behavior which is in like manner acquired. The same thing holds likewise with the man who is regenerated, as was perceived; thus in regard to matters of conscience, conscientiousness is present in every particular of the man's thought and action, though he is not aware of it; with the pious man, piety is in everything; with the obedient, obedience; with the charitable, charity; with the conjugial, conjugial love. In all these cases the ruling principle is perpetually present [in the minutest particulars], though the man is not conscious of it. In like manner is the presence of the Lord with the celestial angels; they do not know it, still it is the Lord's presence. Consequently when it is said that the Lord is continually to be thought of, this that I have now described is what is meant by it; not that man is to hold his thoughts perpetually and sensibly on that one theme, which may, however, be done in the outset [and be persisted in] until such a habit of unconscious continuity is acquired. - 1749, April 17. Hence, I now perceive, are the spheres of faith.

Experientiae Spirituales 4226 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4226. De continua reflexione, et praesentia Domini continua apud angelos

De sphaeris

Perceptum prius, quomodo se habet cum reflexione continua, quod homini non annascatur, sed per habitum ab infantia imbuatur, sic ut tandem evadat sicut naturalis, sicut ut dictum [4221] reflexio super obvia dum ambulat, ejus corporis membrorum motus, ejus gressus, in quos per habitum inducitur, nisi disceret, nusquam posset ambulare super pedibus, sunt plura talia quae simul sunt apud hominem acquisita naturalia facta; tum quoque loquela ejus, vernaculae aliarum linguarum, cadunt sensus in voces, homine non cogitante, ex usu, sed discere debuit, ita qui musicalia tractant; omnia corporis externi ita imbuuntur, docentur musculi, mirabiliter, etiam visus auditus, cum loquitur tunc visus adest, tum auditus vario modo, cum loquitur cum persona dignitatis, est respectus in singulis, qui similiter comparatur: ita se habet quoque cum homine, qui regeneratur, quod perceptum, cum illis quae sunt conscientiae, conscientia in singulis quae cogitat agit, adest, tametsi is nescit; qui pius, in singulis adest pietas, qui obediens in singulis obedientia; si charitas, in singulis charitas, si amor conjugialis, in singulis amor: tametsi homo nescit, quod adsit, usque adest; apud angelos coelestes similiter praesentia Domini, tametsi non sciunt, quae est Domini; quare cum dicitur quod continue cogitandum de Domino, hoc intelligitur; non quod homo cogitationes suas continue teneat sensibiliter, quod principio fieri potest, usque dum donetur tali continuitate. 1749, 17 April. Inde nunc sphaerae fidei.

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