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《灵界经历》 第4235节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4235

4235. About faith alone

Those who have confirmed themselves in the principle that faith alone saves, and have made faith to be mere thought, or something they knew not what, when they saw what these were like in the other life, what their life was like, and that of those who believe the same, they were ashamed. Those who said they were saved by faith alone, and who had not lived a life of charity, are the ones who constitute the filthy general sense. Their aura is an aura of wicked adulteries, and they operate in the back part of the neck, or the occiput. They are among those who are so very filthy that almost none could be more so, as I have been shown over a period of several days, during which nothing appeared but the filth of adultery. This was also shown to those who had confirmed themselves in such practices, and who had taught - and they were ashamed! It was shown, moreover, that these are they who bruise the left knee. 1749, 23 April.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4235


Those who have confirmed themselves in the principle that faith alone is saving, and have made faith to be mere thought, or something they know not what, when they see of what quality they are in the other life, what their [real] life is, and that of those who have held the same belief are ashamed. Those who say they are saved by faith alone, and who have not lived in charity, are those who constitute the more general sense [communiorem sensum] of spirits; their sphere is an abominable sphere of adulteries. They act upon the back part of the neck or upon the occiput; they are pre-eminently among the most filthy, which was shown to me for the space of several days, during which nothing appeared but the foulness of adultery. This also was shown to those who had confirmed themselves in this belief and had taught it [to others], and they were ashamed. It was shown moreover, that these are they that act painfully upon the left knee. - 1749, April 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 4235 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4235. De sola fide

Qui se confirmarunt in principiis quod sola fides salvet, et fidem fecerunt cogitationem, seu quid quod nescirent, cum viderent quales essent in altera vita, qualis vita eorum, et illorum, qui similiter dixerunt, pudefacti sunt; qui sola fide salvari se dixerunt, et qui non in charitate vixerunt, sunt qui constituunt sensum communem spurcum, sphaera eorum est sphaera adulteriorum nefanda, agunt in cervicis partem seu occipitii, sunt inter spurcissimos, ut vix alii spurciores, quod mihi per aliquot dies ostensum, nihil aliud quam spurcum adulterii; hoc iis quoque ostensum est, qui confirmarunt se in talibus, et qui docuerunt, et pudefacti sunt. Ostensum praeterea, quod ii sint qui laedunt sinistrum genu. 1749, 23 April.

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