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《灵界经历》 第4244节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4244

4244. I learned from this that they are above people on earth and do not know what is coming forth with them, but that by means of this kind of friendship, they take away their delights and, as said, cause what is undelightful. For the delights with mankind that are innocent are the bases on which the delights of the angels are grounded. So when angelic spirits look to themselves and favor themselves above others, then they divert delights from man, to themselves. I spoke with them about this matter, and they acknowledged the fact.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4244

4244. I thence learned that they are above man and know nothing of what exists with him, but that by reason of a friendship of this kind they pilfer his delights, and thus induce the contrary, as has been already said, for the delights with man which are innocent are the ultimates in which the delights of the angels terminate, wherefore when angelic spirits regard and favor themselves above others, they draw away from man his delights and turn them to themselves; I spoke with them on this head, and they acknowledged the fact.

Experientiae Spirituales 4244 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4244. Informatus inde, quod sint supra hominem, nec sciant quid apud hominem existit, sed quod per amicitiae hujus genus eripiant ei jucunda ejus, et sic causentur injucunda, ut dictum; nam jucunda apud hominem, quae sunt insontia, illa sunt ultima in quibus terminantur jucunda angelorum, quare cum spiritus angelici semet spectant et sibi favent prae aliis, tunc derivant jucunditates ab homine ad se; de his loquutus sum cum illis, et agnoverunt.

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