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《灵界经历》 第4253节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4253

4253. About the instinct of spirits, and their memory, and about love

Spirits do not have a memory of personal matters, but a different, inward one, which is imperceptible [to people on earth]. They have a certain instinct, which is such that they desire, or covet this or that, according to their own nature and state. When they desire or covet something, then all things that are suitable or agreeable are aroused out of man's memory - such is their influence. This shows that all life, even that of the intellect, is from desire, thus from love. For love, according to its quality, arouses things of understanding, which come out agreeably. This I know from much experience over many years. For those who are the ones who desire do not know otherwise than that they are the ones with the person on earth who think, and with me, that they are the ones who speak from themselves about personal things. For everything conforms to desire and to love, in which is life itself. 1749, 4 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4253


Spirits have not the memory of material things [particularium], but another interior memory, which [in the present life] is imperceptible. They have a certain instinct of such a quality that they desire and covet this thing or that according to their nature and state, and when they thus desire and covet, everything suitable and agreeable to it in man's memory is excited; such is their influx. It hence appears that all life is from cupidity, even that of the intellectuals, and thus from love, for this, be its quality what it may, excites the intellectual faculties, which manifest themselves conformably; this I have learned from the ample experience of many years. From their being those who desire, they know no otherwise than that they are those who think, with man; and with me they are those who speak from themselves concerning material things, for all things conform themselves to desire and love, in which is life itself. - 1749, May 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 4253 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4253. De instinctu spirituum, et eorum memoria, deque amore

Spiritus non memoriam habent particularium, sed aliam interiorem, quae est imperceptibilis; habent quendam instinctum, qui talis est, quod cupiant, et aveant hoc aut illud secundum naturam suam et statum, cum cupiunt aut avent, tunc omnia excitantur convenientia et conformia e memoria hominis, talis est influxus eorum: inde constat, quod ex cupiditate omnis vita, etiam intellectualis, ita ab amore, nam hic, qualis est, excitat illa quae sunt intellectualia, quae conformiter exeunt; hoc a multa et annorum experientia; quia ii sunt qui cupiunt, non sciunt aliter quam quod illi sint qui cogitant, apud hominem, et apud me quod ii sint qui loquuti ex se de particularibus, nam omnia se conformant cupidini et amori, in quo ipsa vita. 1749, 4 Maj.

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