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《灵界经历》 第4262节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4262

4262. Moreover, it was said that there is a certain feeling of devotion, as with preachers, that can produce the same effect, a quasi piety or devotion, like a confession of the heart. But this confession is outward, more of the mouth than of the heart, which may exist with some variety, as shown by examples in the other life, 1749, 7 May. Moreover, as for the words "He would remove sins" [John 1:20], they do not know what it means, imagining that they then have eternal life, and that there is nothing of evil with them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4262

4262. It was, moreover, said that there may be a certain devout affection, as with preachers, which may produce the same effect, that is, as it were, something pious, reverential and like a sincere confession; this confession is external, rather of the lip than of the heart, which may exist with great variety, as appears from examples in the other life. - 1749, May 7. Moreover, as to the taking away of sins, they know not what it is; they [barely] think that they then have eternal life, and that no evil remains with them.

Experientiae Spirituales 4262 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4262. Praeterea dictum quod quaedam affectio devotionis sit, ut apud praedicatores, quae simile producere potest, quasi pium, devotum, instar confessionis cordis, sed haec confessio est exterior, plus oris quam cordis, quae varia dari potest, ut constat ab exemplis in altera vita; 1749, 7 Maj.; praeter quod [quod] "tolleret peccata" [Joh. I: 29], non sciunt quid sit, putant se tunc habere vitam aeternam, et nihil mali apud se.

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