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《灵界经历》 第4264节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4264

4264. How the case is with caring and faith

I spoke with angels, saying that the case with charity and faith is just like the case with human thought, which is such that a person thinks and speaks all and the innermost things, according to all the most hidden analytical rules of the sciences, and when in thought, the person is then thinking nothing whatever about rules, in order to know how to think. Therefore the uneducated are able to think and speak as well, and often better, than the educated. And when the educated think and speak, they do so not at all from rules.

This is also the case with caring, for one who has charity has all things pertaining to faith, or all higher knowledge which is called knowledge of faith, so that one is not thinking at all about higher knowledge, because one has it then in oneself - and the simple hearted who are caring better than the well instructed who lack charity. But that people ought to have higher knowledge is because they know nothing of spiritual and heavenly matters, which are above their grasp, and because they should have higher knowledge so that they may be regenerated by its means and receive charity from the Lord, and thereafter act from charity, and find out those things, and innumerably many more. 1749, 7 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4264


I conversed with angels as to the nature of charity and faith, especially as to their being as the thought of man, which is such that man thinks and speaks all even the most intimate things according to all the most hidden and analytical rules and sciences, and yet when he is in thought he thinks not the least concerning rules as the guides of his thought, wherefore the unlearned can think and speak as well, and often better, than the learned; and when the learned think and speak they pay no attention to rules. The case is the same as to charity; whoever is in charity is in all the things of faith, or in all the knowledges which are predicated of faith, so that he does not think at all of knowledges, because he then has them in himself; thus the simple who are in charity [think and speak] better than the most instructed who are not in charity. Still that man ought to have knowledges is because he knows nothing of spiritual and heavenly things; they are above his comprehension; therefore he ought to have such knowledges that by means of them he may be regenerated, and may receive charity from the Lord, and thence act from charity, and know these things, and innumerable others. - 1749, May 7.

Experientiae Spirituales 4264 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4264. Quomodo se habeat cum charitate et fide

Loquutus cum angelis, quod charitas et fides se habeat, sicut cogitatio hominis, quae talis est, ut secundum omnes regulas analyticas arcanissimas et scientiarum omnia et intima cogitet homo et loquatur, et cum in cogitatione est, tunc ne hilum cogitet de regulis, ut inde sciat cogitare, quare indocti tam bene, et saepe melius cogitare et loqui possunt, quam docti, et cum docti cogitant et loquuntur, ne hilum ex regulis; ita se habet cum charitate, qui in charitate est, est in omnibus fidei, seu in omnibus cognitionibus, quae fidei appellantur, sic ut ne hilum cogitet de cognitionibus, quia illas in se tunc habet, ita simplices melius qui in charitate, quam instructissimi qui non in charitate; at quod cognitiones habere debeat homo, est quia nihil scit de spiritualibus et coelestibus, sunt supra captum ejus, et quia ita cognitiones habere debet, ut per eas possit regenerari, et accipere a Domino charitatem, et dein ex charitate agere, et scire illa, et innumera plura. 1749, 7 Maj.

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