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《灵界经历》 第4300节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4300

4300. Certain spirits imagine themselves to be a person on earth, very distinct from others

There was a spirit with me, several times, who thought he was definitely a person on earth, so much so that he did not know but that he was I. On several occasions he was separated from me and shown that he was a separate spirit, but still he did not want to believe it. He insisted stubbornly that he was I, and streamed into me in such a way that I could sometimes hardly tell what was going on, and this occurred several times.

He was punished in various ways, and was absent for a time, and then came back and behaved in the same way. It was proven to him, but he did not want to believe it. It was also shown that he had been a certain elderly man, so captivated in the life of the body by fantasies that he imagined himself to be this and that man.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4300


There was several times a certain spirit with me who was fully in the idea that he was a man, so that he knew no other in fact than that he was I myself. He was occasionally separated from me and shown that he was a separate spirit, but still he would not believe it, but insisted pertinaciously that he was I; and he flowed in repeatedly in such a manner that I scarcely knew what to make of it. He was, however, punished in various modes, and after being absent for a time he returned and bore himself in the same manner, and though the truth was disclosed to him he refused to believe. It was also shown that he had been an old man who in the life of the body had been possessed by the phantasy that he was this person and that.

Experientiae Spirituales 4300 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4300. Quod quidam spiritus putent se esse hominem, cum multa differentia ab aliis

Fuit spiritus apud me, aliquoties, qui putavit prorsus quod esset homo, et ita ut nesciret aliter ac quod esset ego, separatus aliquoties est a me, et ostensum ei quod esset spiritus separatus, sed usque non voluit credere, instabat pertinaciter quod esset ego, et influebat ita, ut quandoque vix scirem, quid tale esset, et hoc aliquoties, punitus est variis modis, et aberat per tempus, et rediit, et iterum se similiter gerebat, ostensum ei, sed non voluit credere; ostensum quoque quod fuerit quidam senex, ita in vita corporis phantasiis captus, quod putaverit se esse hunc et illum.

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