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《灵界经历》 第4319节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4319

4319. About inflow

Inflow is remarkable, in that certain things that flow in appear to be farther away, and that other spirits, both those farther off and those closer by, then speak to them, and that in this manner I was in their company, more closely or remotely - and as I observed, this took place according to the person's feelings, which constitute his or her life. The more of life there is, the closer by, and the less of life, the farther away. And the closer by, the more those feelings are appropriated and make the person's life, while the farther off, the less they are appropriated.

Those who have faith in the Lord, and charity, the Lord arranges in such a way that they shall be nearer or farther away, according to His good pleasure, and thus be affected by new life. Things farther off do not cling to a person, but are easily dissolved, but not so things closer by. 1749, 3 July. 1


1. Astrological symbol of the moon, meaning Monday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4319


There is this that is wonderful about influx, that some who flow in appear as remote, and then other spirits, who are more or less remote, speak. I have been in society with such more or less nearly, and it was observed that this [nearness] is according to the affections of man which constitute his life; that the more anyone has of life, the nearer they are, and the less the more remote; and that the nearer they are, the more they are appropriated to man, and make his life, but the more remote, the less they do this. Those who are in faith, in the Lord, and in charity, the Lord disposes in such a way that they shall be nearer or more remote according to his good pleasure, and thus a new life is effected. Whatever is more remote does not inhere, but is easily dissolved; the case is different with what is near. - 1749, July 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 4319 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4319. De Influxu

Influxus est mirabilis, quod quaedam quae influunt remotiora appareant, et tunc loquantur alii spiritus, et remotiores et propinquiores, et sic cum iis in societate fui, propinquius aut remotius, et quod observatum, hoc secundum affectiones apud hominem, quae constituunt vitam ejus, quo magis vitae eo propinquius, quo minus eo remotius, et quo propinquius eo magis adpropriantur homini, et faciunt ejus vitam, quo remotius eo minus: qui in fide in Dominum et charitate, Dominus disponit ut propinquius aut remotius secundum Ipsius beneplacitum, et sic afficiatur vita nova. Quae remotius non inhaerent, sed facile dissolvuntur, at quae propinquius non ita. 1749, 3 Julius.

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