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《灵界经历》 第4322节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4322

4322. No one becomes good without means, or miraculously

A certain spirit (it was Paul) with whom I spoke, saying that no one can become good miraculously. Some had sometimes wondered why they are not taken up immediately into heaven, and brought back by the omnipotence of the Lord into a state in which they could be angels. They received the reply that evil cannot become good, nor can anyone come there before the evil is dispersed or subdued, and that this cannot take place except by the Divine means provided, not by miracles. It was also said that if the evil were taken away, perhaps but little life would remain, and this would be miraculous, which can indeed be done in the other life by the removal of societies.

Because he thought in this manner, societies were removed, what looked like a little child was seen paddling with its hands, and it was said that it knew neither to speak, nor to think, only to move its hands like a newborn babe. So it would be with the evil if they tried to become good miraculously. 1749, 10 July. 1


1. Astrological symbol of the moon, meaning Monday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4322


I conversed with a certain spirit (:it was Paul:) affirming that no one could become good miraculously. Some wondered that they could not be taken immediately into heaven, and be reduced by the Lord's omnipotence into a state in which they could become angels. But it was answered that evil cannot be made to be good, nor can anyone come thither before his evil is dissipated or subdued, and that this is effected only by foreseen divine means, and not miraculously. It was said also that if evil were taken away [from the evil] there would be but little of life remaining, and that this would be to work miraculously, though it may be done in the other life by the removal of societies. As he thought in this manner, the societies were removed, and he was then as an infant sprawling with its hands and it was said that he neither knew how to speak or to think, but only to move his arms as a new-born babe. Thus would it be with the evil if they sought to be miraculously made good. - 1749, July 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 4322 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4322. Quod nemo absque mediis, seu miraculose bonus fiat

Quidam (erat Paulus) cum quo loquutus, quod nemo possit miraculose bonus fieri, mirati quandoque quod non in coelum immediate auferantur, et in statum redigantur ex omnipotentia Domini, ut possint angeli esse, responsum quod malum non fieri possit bonum, nec prius illuc quis venire potest, quam cum malum dissipatum seu domatum sit, et quod hoc fieri nequeat nisi per provisa media Divina, non miraculose; dictum etiam, si malum auferretur, quod forte parum vitae remaneret, et hoc foret miraculose, quod etiam fieri potest in altera vita per remotiones societatum malarum: quia sic cogitavit, remotae sunt societates, tunc visus sicut infans natans manibus, et dictum quod nihil sciret nec loqui nec cogitare, solum quod brachiola moveret, sicut qui primum natus: ita fierent mali si miraculose vellent boni fieri. 1749, 10 Julius.

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