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《灵界经历》 第4331节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4331

4331. About the Word, and the Jews

There were Jews with me, and they did not grasp an inner meaning of the Word, for they want to abide by the literal meaning, so as to apply and arrogate all and the least thing to themselves. But I heard them conversing among themselves, saying that they indeed do not grasp what the inner meaning is, and that it is of that nature, but still that they do know that something arcane, something most hidden, is contained in every saying and iota. But that the Word is of this nature, and that it is heavenly, they do not acknowledge because it is denied that all and the very least things regard themselves, and thus that they are the only chosen people. 1749, 21 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4331


There were Jews present with me, and they perceived not an internal sense in the Word, for they are disposed to remain in the sense of the letter, that they may arrogantly apply everything to themselves. But I heard them conversing with each other in a way which showed that they knew not what the real internal is, while yet they professed to know that there were certain profound, and most profound, arcana couched under every word and tittle; but that this internal sense is such as it is, or that it is celestial, they did not admit, but denied, for they hold that in every particular it treats of them, and thus that they alone are the elect. - 1749, July 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 4331 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4331. De Verbo, et Judaeis

Judaei apud me fuerunt, et sensum internum Verbi non percipiebant, nam volunt in sensu literae permanere, ut omnia et singula sibi adplicent et arrogent, sed colloquuti sunt inter se, quod audivi, quod quidem non percipiant, quid sensus internus, et quod talis, sed usque quod norint, aliquod arcanum et arcanissimum in singulis dictis et jothis inesse, sed quod tale sit, et quod coeleste, non admittebant, quia negatur, quod omnia et singula de illis agant, et sic quod soli electi; 1749, 21 Julius.

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