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《灵界经历》 第4344节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4344

4344. About sirens

I marveled that it was permitted them thus to wander about, and to harass good spirits with their magical and persuasive arts, but the reason is that the Lord thrusts no one toward hell, but it is they themselves, and it is common knowledge that evil, when actually committed, is what draws them into hell. For this reason, the evil abide for quite a while in the world of spirits, and one sooner, and another later, cast themselves headlong into hell. Meanwhile, goodness and truth are separated from them, and gathered toward the inward parts, and the ruling evil comes to a head and draws them downwards, like weights.

[2] I saw that sirens had been in the world of spirits for a long time, harassing multitudes, always with the intention of gaining control and subjecting the minds of others to themselves, but it was shown what they eventually become, at first appearing like masses of hair - a sign that only filthy bodily qualities reign with them - then with a black face, so that it is not a human one. 1749, 8 Aug. They tried with their magical methods to persuade others that they were to be pitied, but received the reply that no one can, but only pity those whom they desire to harm, only a single one of whom ought to be taken more to heart than the whole company of them; moreover that it is contrary to order to commiserate evil, which constantly intends to do harm to others and to destroy order - any more than a judge can pity those whom he judges, because he is considering the common good, and the law of order. So it is in the present case. If they did obtain any pity by their magical persuasions, they would never desist from doing harm. 1749, 8 Aug. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Mars, meaning Tuesday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4344

4344. It was a source of wonder to me that it was allowed those sirens to wander about as they do, and to vex the good with magical and persuasive arts, but the reason is that the Lord thrusts no one into hell, but they do it of themselves, and their evil when consummated draws them to hell. This is the common receptacle, wherefore the evil dwell a considerable time in the world of spirits, and one sooner and another later precipitates himself thither. Meanwhile the good and the true which they may have is separated and drawn towards the interior, and the ruling evil is consummated and like weights draw them down. I have seen sirens abiding for a long time in the world of spirits, and vexing multitudes, but always from an end of ruling and subjecting the minds of others to themselves, and it was shown that they finally became, namely, that they at first appear like masses of hair - a sign that their foul corporeals alone reign with them - and afterwards that they appear black in the face, and thus as not human. - 1479, August 8. They would fain with their magical persuasions induce the idea that they were to be pitied; but it was answered that no one could pity them, but they whom they wished to injure were to be pitied, and of whom one was more an object of concern than a whole company of such as they were, as also that it is contrary to order to feel pity for evil which continually threatens injury to others, and the destruction of order, just as a judge cannot pity those he condemns, because he thinks of the public good and of the law of order. Thus also is it in the present case. If they should obtain anything by magical persuasions, yet still they would not desist from injury. - 1749, August 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 4344 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4344. De sirenibus

Miratus sum quod licuerit illis ita vagari et lacessere bonos magicis, et persuasivis, sed causa est, quod Dominus nullum ad infernum trudat, sed quod iidem, et malum, quod cum consummatum est, trahit eos in infernum, hoc commune est, quare diu satis in mundo spirituum morantur mali, et unus serius, alter citius illuc se praecipitat; separatur interea bonum et verum apud eos, et colligitur versus interiora, et malum regnans consummatur, usque dum sicut pondera, detrahat eos; vidi sirenes, quod diu fuerint in mundo spirituum, et multos lacesserint, semper animo imperandi, et subjugandi mentes aliorum, sed ostensum quomodo fiunt, primum quod instar crinium appareant, indicium quod spurca corporea solum regnent; tum quod facie nigra; sic ut non humana. 1749, 8 Aug. Voluerunt sua magica persuasione persuadere quod miserandum earum, sed responsum, quod misereri illarum nemo possit, sed misereri illorum quibus nocere cupiunt, quorum unus plus cordi esse debet quam tota earum cohors, tum quod contra ordinem misereri mali, quod aliis nocere jugiter intentat, et destruere ordinem, sicut nec judex potest misereri [eorum] quos judicat, quia cogitat de communi bono, et de lege ordinis, ita hoc se habet; si persuasivis magicis obtinerent quid, nusquam non nocerent. 1749, 8 Aug.

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