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《灵界经历》 第4347节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4347

4347. About contempt and hatred

I have often spoken with spirits about contempt, or about despising others, saying that contempt is of no moment when it does not proceed from self-love, so that one despises others in comparison with oneself, and from hatred - these are the contempt that condemns in the other life; but to look down on others for having no particular genius, talent, ability for this or that use, either as to functions or as to business, or other areas - this cannot but exist with all people, because they live in a society in which one must think about the other, as to whether they can associate one with the other, thus about the other's character, and whether the other is qualified for certain functions, or these or those businesses. This kind of contempt, though it may be wrong, and contracted for certain irrelevant reasons that may not be described, is of no moment in the other life, and is easily dispelled when the person has love and charity, for then everyone is esteemed according to his or her actual character. It may linger a short while until charity has found its place. Many of my acquaintances had been of this character and had despised me, and whom I had looked down on - not, however in comparison with myself, nor out of hatred, but for a reason given above. The contempt from hatred exists when someone desires to take away anyone's respect, goods, and life; and to despise others in comparison with oneself is to look upon them as nothing in comparison with oneself. This is contempt from the love of self. 1749, 9 Aug. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Mercury, meaning Wednesday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4347


I have conversed with spirits concerning contempt or the despising of others, to wit, that such contempt is of no [evil] account when not prompted by the love of self, or leading one to contemn others as compared with himself or from hatred. Contempt of this latter kind is what damns in the other life; but the despising of others because they are of no ability or endowment, or aptitude to this or that use, because they are deficient in functions or business activities and other things, and does not damn, for this cannot but exist with all men who live in society, and where one ought to think concerning another, whether he can be associated with him considering his quality, as also whether he is adapted to the performance of such and such functions of such and such businesses. Contempt of this kind, though it may be conceived on various false grounds, which need not be recited, yet it does no injury in the other life, as it is easily dissipated when one is in love and charity, as then everyone is estimated according to his real quality; it may remain a little while till charity has found place [but not longer]. Such has been the case with many of my acquaintances who despised me and whom I despised, not however, as preferring myself, nor from hatred, but from the causes above mentioned. The contempt of hatred is when one desires to rob another of his honors, goods, or life; while contempt of another as compared with one's self is, when another from preference of self is not regarded at all, showing that contempt is but another form of self-love. - 1749, August 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 4347 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4347. De contemtu et odio

Loquutus sum saepe cum spiritibus de contemtu, seu contemnere alios, quod contemtus nihil sit, quando non ex amore sui, ut contemnat alios prae se, et ex odio, hi contemtus sunt, qui in altera vita damnant; at contemnere alios quod non sint alicujus ingenii, dotis, habilitatis ad hoc aut illud, sive quoad functiones sive negotiationes, sive alia - nam hoc non potest aliter quam esse apud omnes homines, quia in societate vivunt, et unus debet cogitare de alio, num vivere possit cum eo in societate, ita qualis est, tum num habilis ad functiones, haec aut illa negotia - talis contemtus, tametsi falsus sit, et captus ex aliis vel certis causis, quae describi nequeunt, nihil facit in altera vita, dissipatur facile, cum in amore et charitate est, nam tunc aestimatur quisque qualis est, remanet aliquantisper, usque dum charitas locum habet; tales fuerunt plures noti qui me contemserunt, et quos ego contemsi, non prae me, sed ex causa ut dictum, nec ex odio: odii contemtus est, quando aliquis cupit alicujus honores, bona, vitam auferre; et prae se contemnere, est cum quidem, nihil spectat alios prae se, est amoris sui contemtus. 1749, 9 Aug.

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