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《灵界经历》 第4377节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4377

4377. A calm struggle of the virginal sex against evil ones

In the morning I noticed overhead that the attempted attacks of the evil were being driven back, and in fact, by those who were of the virginal sex. But the swift encounters, instantaneous, and the gentle rejections of the attempts of the evil ones, I cannot describe. They took place in an instant, with such gentle care that nothing should hurt those who were reaching out for them, and this they did quickly, without any forethought, as if they had foreseen the threats, and would remove them at once. They did this in such a decent and at the same time tactful manner that they did nothing to them, and all the least moves exactly befitted the nature of the threats. It is indescribable. It was not a fight with them, but a respectable retreat, instantaneous, a match for all the attempts. They were of the virginal sex. 1749, 26 Aug. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Saturn, meaning Saturday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4377


Early in the morning I observed above the head that the attempts and insults of the evil were repelled, and by those too that were of the virgin sex; but their quick resistances, made in an instant, and their modest rejections of the evil assaults, I cannot describe. They were as quick as a flash, and yet with such modest gentleness, that they seemed unwilling to hurt those who threatened them. This hasty resistance was without any premeditation, and was as if they foresaw what was threatened, and would immediately remove it; yet in the manner described, and at the same time with such exquisite tact, that they seemed as if unwilling to do anything against their assailants, while still meeting every attempt with a resistance exactly adapted to the menacing intentions. The thing cannot be described; it was not so much a contention as a decent, instantaneous, and perfectly fit removal or turning aside, on the part of these virgins, of all the evil assaults made against them. - 1749, August 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 4377 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4377. Pugna tranquilla sexus virginei contra malos

Mane animadverti supra caput, quod malorum conatus et insultus repellerentur, et quidem ab iis quae erant sexus virginei, sed pugnas citas, in instanti, et modestas rejectiones malorum conatuum non possum describere, erat in instanti, cum tali modestia ut nihil usquam laederent eos qui intentabant, et hoc cito absque ulla praemeditatione, quasi quod praeviderent intentata, et illico removerent, hoc tam [decenti] modo, et simul solerter, ut nihil contra eos agerent, et singula adaequatissime ad eorum intentationes, non describi potest, non erat pugna cum illis sed remotio decens, instantanea, adaequata omnium conatuum, erant ex virgineo sexu. 1749, 26 Aug.

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