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《灵界经历》 第4413节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4413

4413. About the literal meaning of the Word, and hypocrites


There was a certain one who had no feeling for the inner meaning of the Word, because he wanted to place merit in deeds (Paul). For a long time he was at a distance from me, also among worse spirits. Now he allied himself with the worst devils, now he wanted to form a heaven for himself [of spirits] to whom he would give joy from his own power - but one of passions and enjoyments which he indeed attempted to do, but it only made him worse, and upset. I spoke with him then, saying that this was not a heaven, but a hell, and it was turned into a black hell.

He wanted especially to recruit hypocrites, about whom I spoke with him. For several days there had been hypocrites with me, which I could tell on account of the toothache [they brought on]. They constantly pressed upon me in silence, and I realized and said that this came from Paul, who hates the inner meaning, and then the anger from that hatred has this effect of summoning hypocrites, and in this way they are connected, for hypocrites believe nothing [of the inner meaning], but still value the literal meaning of the Word, because they are able to take from it many passages to persuade the common people, and to make themselves appear as pious.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4413


There was a certain one who was insensible to the internal sense of the Word, because he wished to place merit in his actions (:Paul:). He was for a long time at a distance from me, and also among the worst class of spirits. He now associated himself with the worst devils, and now wished to form a heaven to himself [of spirits] to whom he might give joys from himself, but the joys of cupidities and pleasures; this also he attempted, but he became worse in consequence of it, and was cast down. I then spoke to him that this was not heaven but hell; and it was actually turned into a black hell. He wished especially to have hypocrites [about him] concerning whom I spoke with him; there were hypocrites with me for several days, which I was able to know by the pain in my teeth: they tacitly pressed upon me without intermission; and it was perceived and said that this was from Paul, who hates the internal sense, and that the anger of that hatred has the effect of drawing hypocrites [about him], and that such is the connection of things, for hypocrites believe nothing, but still esteem the literal sense of the Word, because they can thence take many things and apply them in persuading the vulgar, and thus contrive to appear pious.

Experientiae Spirituales 4413 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4413. De sensu literali Verbi, et hypocritis


Fuit quidam qui insensibilius fuit sensui interno Verbi, quia voluit meritum ponere in actis Paulus) ; diu ad distantiam a me fuit, etiam inter pejores, jam se associavit pessimis diabolis, jam sibi coelum voluit formare, quibus daret gaudium ex se, sed cupiditatum et voluptatum, quod etiam tentavit, sed inde pejor factus, et deturbatus, loquutus cum illo tunc, quod hoc non esset coelum sed infernum, versum etiam est in nigrum infernum; hypocritas imprimis habere voluit, de quibus cum illo loquutus; per aliquot dies hypocritae apud me fuerunt, quod ex dentium dolore potui scire, incumbebant jugiter tacendo, et perceptum et dictum, quod hoc ex Paulo, qui odio habet internum sensum, et sic ira odii istius eum effectum habet, ut arcessantur hypocritae, et quod talis sit nexus rerum, nam hypocritae nihil credunt, sed usque aestimant sensum literalem Verbi, quia inde possunt capere plura et persuadere vulgo, et facere ut appareant sicut pii.

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