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《灵界经历》 第4423节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4423

4423. About Providence

I spoke with spirits about how the case is with the life of man in the world, and in the other life, and it was shown by means of a symbolic portrayal, as the one here shown, that their minds are carried along, according to their changing states, upward and downward, and yet that there is always a kind of general attraction of that whole aura, of the impious downward toward hell, and of the pious upward toward heaven. They are not conscious of this, for when they are on high, then they look down on all things, and when they are lower down, either in a humble state, one of self-contempt, or they are in fear, and acknowledge. Thus their minds are constantly being carried along, or the states of their life, which nevertheless has a certain reigning element in the midst of the aura, to which it returns.

Such is the case with the states of life in the world resulting from various turns of fortune, and misfortune, then in the other life for some time; but still there is a general attraction, so to speak, either upward or downward. Such is the case with providence, which operates calmly, and always draws upward, while mankind drives itself downward, so that if its force should outweigh [that of providence], it would drive itself even to hell. It is different if they had lived in charity. Then they would be drawn upward toward heaven.

These matters were displayed symbolically before spirits, who then had the same mental image, and were wonderfully moved, acknowledging that the matter is as above stated.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4423


I spoke with spirits as to how the case is with the life of man in the world and in the other life, and it was shown by a representation to this effect, that minds are borne, according to changes of state, upward and downward, and that still there is continually a kind of common attraction of that whole general sphere [to which it belongs] an attraction of the impious downward to hell, and of the pious upwards to heaven, of which they are not aware. For while [the former] are on high, they despise all things, and when they are below, they are either in humiliation or contempt of themselves, or in fear, and recognize [their state], and thus their minds are constantly borne about, although there is still a reigning something in the midst of the sphere, to which it returns. Such is the case with states of life in the world [arising] from various fortunes successful or adverse, and such also it is in the other world for some time, while there is still a kind of general attraction either upward or downward. Thus it is with the [Divine] Providence, which acts gently, and which always draws upwards, while man forces himself downward; so that his power preponderates, whence [he tends] to hell. It is otherwise with those who have lived in charity, as their tendency is then upwards to heaven. These things were thus representatively set forth before spirits, who were then in a similar idea, and were wonderfully affected, recognizing that the truth was as above stated.

Experientiae Spirituales 4423 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4423. De Providentia

Loquutus cum spiritibus quomodo se habet cum vita hominis in mundo, et in altera vita, et ostensum per repraesentationem, nempe talem, quod ferantur animi secundum status ejus mutationes sursum et deorsum, et usque quod jugiter sit quasi attractio communis totius illius sphaerae, impiorum deorsum ad infernum, et piorum sursum ad coelum, quod non sciunt, nam dum in alto sunt, tunc omnia contemnunt, cum inferius, sive in humiliatione seu contemtu sui, vel in timore sunt, et agnoscunt, et sic jugiter feruntur animi eorum, seu status vitae eorum, cujus tamen est regnans quoddam ad quod redit quod est in medio sphaerae; sic se habet cum statibus vitae in mundo ex fortunis variis, et infortuniis, sic in altera vita per aliquod tempus, sed usque communis quasi attractio est vel sursum vel deorsum; ita se habet cum providentia, quae tranquille agit, et quae semper trahit sursum, sed homo se deorsum agit, sic ut [si] ejus vis praeponderet, inde ad infernum, aliter si in charitate vixerunt, tunc sursum ad coelum; haec ita repraesentative coram spiritibus sistebantur, ac tunc erant in ea idea, quae talis, et afficiebantur mirabiliter et agnoscebant quod ita sit.

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