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《灵界经历》 第4455节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4455

4455. They entered into all and the very least things, not of my thought and some other faculties, but of my intentions, and extinguished, suffocated, and perverted them, even until nothing could be thought, without them seizing upon the intentions - in fact, intentions of which I was completely unaware, lying inside of the aura of my consciousness, where they had often resided and schemed most deceitfully. They controlled there everything that was mine without my knowing it. Thus it is such sirens who obsess people at this day.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4455

4455. They entered with me and others into all and singular the things not only of thought, but also of the intentions, and extinguished, suffocated, and perverted them, so that nothing good and true could be thought, from their having [completely] occupied the intentions, even those intentions that I was perfectly ignorant of [from non-reflection], though within the sphere of perception, where they have often insinuated themselves, acting with their most deceitful machinations and there ruling everything that pertained to me while I was unconscious of it. Thus they are such as obsess men at the present day.

Experientiae Spirituales 4455 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4455. Intrarunt in omnia et singula non cogitationis meae et aliorum sed intentionum, et exstinxerunt, suffocarunt, et perverterunt, usque ut nihil cogitari potuerit quin arriperent intentiones, imo intentiones quas ego prorsus ignorabam, quae intra sphaeram perceptionis meae erant, ubi multoties fuerunt, et dolosissime machinatae sunt, rexerunt ibi omnia mea, me nesciente, ita sunt tales quae hodie obsident homines.

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