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《灵界经历》 第4478节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4478

4478. Indeed, the sirens carried things out to such an extreme that they no longer even worried about punishments, but escaped them in various ways by means of magic, so that the punishers declared that they could no longer chastise them, and they eluded several severe hells. But they were told that any punishments whatsoever can be made incalculably more severe, and to endure up to thousands of years, so that any spirit who so insanely imagines that he or she can resist them, may hereby know that this is sheer insanity, and that obstinacy and stubbornness is of absolutely no avail, but that the more stubborn attitudes they are, the more severely they suffer, for stubborn attitudes must needs be broken.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4478

4478. Nay, the sirens carried matters to such extremes, that they did not even regard punishments any longer, but eluded them by magical arts in various ways, so that the punishing spirits said that they could no longer chastise them; they eluded several infernal penalties of a severe character. But it was told them, that any punishments whatever may be aggravated indefinitely, and also be made to last to thousands of years. If anyone, therefore, is so insane as to think that he can withstand them, let him know that this is indeed insanity, and that the hardening of himself and his contumacy are altogether nothing; nay, that the more contumacious they are the more grievously are they punished, because contumacy must needs be broken.

Experientiae Spirituales 4478 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4478. Imo sirenes eousque perduxerunt se, quod nec poenas amplius curarent, sed per magias eluderent varie, sic ut punitores dixerint, se non amplius posse castigare eas, dura inferna aliqua eluserunt. Sed dictum iis, quod poenae quaecunque possint in indefinitum aggravari et in millia annorum durare, sic ut qui tam vesane putat quod resistere possit, sciat quod hoc vesania sit, et quod prorsus nihil sit obstinatio et contumacia; sed quo contumaciores, eo graviora patiuntur, nam contumaciae frangendae erunt.

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