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《灵界经历》 第4480节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4480

4480. An argument by certain spirits that sins are wiped away in the other life, and that they are thus justified in a moment

Because this opinion that people are justified in a moment, no matter what kind of life they have led - even if it were at the last hour of death - because this opinion or rather heresy has prevailed in the whole Christian world, almost wherever there is any doctrine of faith, they argued about this, supporting their argument also by the fact that they saw certain spirits suddenly introduced into heaven, and that they then seemed to put down outward qualities like garments, thus to take them off, not knowing, or not wanting to understand, that those things happen in certain states, when outward qualities are put to sleep, and that the laying aside as it were of garments is the appearance that results when outer societies are being taken away from them. For when they are lifted up into heaven, then the outer societies are indeed taken away, since there would otherwise be something contrary that would resist.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4480


Because of this opinion that men are justified, whatever the life they have led, in a moment, even if it should be at the last hour of life - an opinion which has prevailed in the whole Christian world, wherever almost there is any doctrine of faith certain spirits reasoned concerning it, and confirmed themselves also from the fact, that they saw certain ones introduced at once into heaven, and when it was seen that they laid aside their exteriors like garments, they would fain thus put off their own, not knowing or not being willing to understand that these things take place in certain states, when the exteriors are laid asleep, and that the laying aside, as it were, of garments is an appearance arising from the fact, that external societies are then taken away from them, whereupon there is this appearance; for whenever spirits are elevated into heaven, external societies are also taken away from them, since otherwise there would be something contrary which would resist.

Experientiae Spirituales 4480 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4480. Ratiocinatio quorundam quod peccata abstergantur in altera vita, et sic justificentur momento

Quia opinio haec, quod justificentur homines, quamcunque vitam egerunt, momento, si vel foret ultima mortis hora, et haec opinio seu potius haeresis invaluit in universo orbe Christiano, ubicunque fere aliqua doctrina fidei est, de hac ratiocinati sunt, seque confirmarunt etiam ex eo, quod viderent quosdam in coelum introduci subito, et quod visum tunc quod deponerent exteriora sicut vestes, ita exuerent ea, nescientes vel non volentes intelligere, quod illa fiant in certis statibus, cum sopita sunt exteriora, et quod depositiones quasi vestium sint apparentiae inde, quod societates tunc externae illis auferantur, et tunc ita apparet, dum enim elevantur in coelum, tunc societates externae quoque auferuntur, alioquin foret contrarium quod resisteret.

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