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《灵界经历》 第4481节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4481

4481. They were told that people bring with them into the other life all the states of goodness, and of evil, thus all things they have done, and which they have thought, have spoken, the very least of all things, into the other life, and that they do not lose one whit of them, and that they return one after another, as moderated by the Lord; also that all the states and all the thoughts which they have in the other life also remain, and this to eternity, so that nothing whatever perishes.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4481

4481. It was said to them that man carries with him into the other life all his states of good and of evil, as also all things which he has done, thought, learned, and spoken, in their least particulars, not losing the smallest portion of them, and that they return successively as they are tempered by the Lord; as also that all the states and all the thoughts, as also the speeches and actions of the other life remain in like manner, and this forever, so that nothing ever perishes.

Experientiae Spirituales 4481 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4481. Dictum iis, quod homo secum in alteram vitam trahat omnes status boni et mali, tum omnia quae egit et quae cogitavit, quae didicit, quae loquutus, omnium minima in alteram vitam, et quod ne hilum perdat ab iis; et quod successive redeant, sicut temperantur a Domino: tum quod omnes status et omnes cogitationes, loquelae et actus similiter remaneant, quae in altera vita, et hoc in aeternum, ita quod nihil usquam pereat.

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