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《灵界经历》 第4485节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4485

4485. Souls after death do not come immediately into their societies, for the reason that they have fantasies that do not come from passions, or appearances that do not come from good feelings. As long as there are fantasies not coming from passions, and appearances [not coming] from good feelings, for that long they are carried hither and thither, and this according to fantasies and appearances [apart from passions and good feelings]. This is the reason why souls pass a long time in the lower earth, then in the world of spirits, before they come to their own place. This is also the reason why those who have made associations are carried away, upward and downward, sometimes hither and thither, because [the evil] fall into fantasies, or [the good] come into appearances, which do not agree with their fantasies and appearances, respectively.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4485

4485. Souls after death do not immediately come into their [proper] consociations, from the fact that their phantasies are such as do not arise from their cupidities, nor their appearances such as come from their affections. So long as their phantasies are not from their cupidities, nor their appearances from their affections, they are borne hither and thither, and this according to phantasies and appearances. This is the reason that [some] souls are for a long time in the lower earth, and also in the world of spirits, before they come to their [proper] place. This also is the reason why those in certain consociations are conveyed thence upwards and downwards, and at times hither and thither, since they fall into phantasies, or come into appearances which do not agree with their [proper] phantasies or appearances.

Experientiae Spirituales 4485 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4485. Animae post mortem non statim veniunt in consociationes suas, ex eo quod phantasiae eorum sint quae non sunt cupiditatum, seu apparentiae quae non sunt affectionum, quamdiu phantasiae non e cupiditatibus, ac apparentiae ex affectionibus, tunc huc illuc feruntur, et hoc secundum phantasias et apparentias, haec causa est, quod animae diu in terra inferiore sint, tum in mundo spirituum antequam ad suum locum veniunt: haec etiam causa est, quod qui in consociationibus inde ferantur, sursum et deorsum, quandoque huc illuc, quia in phantasias labuntur aut in apparentias veniunt, quae non conveniunt eorum phantasiis aut apparentiis.

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