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《灵界经历》 第4506节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4506

4506. About the power of angels

I was let into a state of mind in which I might watch the profane magicians outside of me, at which time they all appeared to be entirely powerless, and it seemed to me that I would be able to move and drive every one of them by means of a very slight mental image wherever I would like. It was even granted me [the power] to do this, which I did by means of such a slight mental image that there could scarcely be a slighter one. From this experience I was able to conclude in regard to angelic power, that a single angel can see up to a hundred or a thousand such spirits outside of himself, and all of their plots, and direct them all to wherever he would like what then can the Lord not do? They appeared then as small, as almost nothing, as almost the way a person on earth is able from a high mountain or tower to see many together as small, but in this case also with the power to control every single one at will.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4506


I was put into a state, such that I saw the magicians and the profane without me; when they all appeared to me as being possessed of absolutely no power, and it seemed to me, that I was able to move and drive them singly, by the slightest idea, whithersoever I would. This it was actually given me to do, and it was done with the slightest possible idea. I could conclude from thence concerning angelic power, that one angel could see such to the number of a hundred or a thousand without himself, together with all their machinations, and direct them all whithersoever he pleased. What then cannot the Lord do [with them]? They appeared then small, as almost of no account, somewhat as a man from a high mountain or tower can see many at the same time and see them small; but then it is to be supposed also that he is possessed of power to control them at his will.

Experientiae Spirituales 4506 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4506. De potentia angelorum

Missus in statum, ut spectarem magos et prophanos extra me, tunc apparuerunt omnes ii ut nullius prorsus potentiae, et visum mihi quod potuissem singulos levissima idea movere et agere, quocunque vellem, etiam dabatur hoc facere, quod tam levi idea factum, ut vix minus, inde concludere potui de potentia angelica, quod unus angelus possit tales ad centum vel mille extra se videre, et omnes eorum machinationes, et regere omnes quocunque vellet; quid non Dominus. Visi sunt tunc parvi, sicut paene nihili, ut paene sicut homo ex alto monte seu turri potest videre plures simul et parvos, sed tunc cum potentia quod singulos quoque ad lubitum posset regere.

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