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《灵界经历》 第4511节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4511

4511. About the hells and the hellish, and the profane

The hellish females and males who accept no correction by means of punishments, are the ones who are carried toward hell. The most profane siren and the rest of them had been punished severely several times - so severely that it can scarcely be described by the diverse tortures [they underwent], but after them they were the same, and then worse. These are the ones that are carried toward hell, and when filled up with evils, fall into hell.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4511


The infernals of both sexes, who receive not anything of emendation by punishments, are those who are borne towards hell. The most profane siren, with others, are oftentimes severely punished, so severely, and by such manifold tortures, that they can scarcely be described; but yet they are afterwards similar to what they were before, and in the end worse. Such are they who are borne towards hell, and when their evils have come to the full, they lapse thither [of course].

Experientiae Spirituales 4511 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4511. De Infernis et infernalibus, ac prophanis

Infernales quae et qui nihil emendationis recipiunt per punitiones, sunt ii qui versus infernum feruntur: prophanissima siren, cum caeteris, multoties graviter punitae sunt, ita graviter ut vix possit describi per diversas torturas, sed usque postea similes erant, et dein pejores, tales sunt quae ad infernum feruntur, et cum impletae malis illuc labuntur.

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