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《灵界经历》 第455节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 455

455. How it is to be understood, since God the Messiah leads all by means of spirits and angels so that nothing is theirs, that they nevertheless become guilty of sins

It seems questionable that even though nothing that people think and do is theirs, because they are led by spirits, they nevertheless become guilty of sins and will suffer the penalties for the evils committed; but this is grasped through faith. When one has true faith, then one believes, in accordance with the truth, that nothing is our own, because we are being led by God the Messiah in the way of truth, or have true belief; and in this case all evil is bent into good, so that nothing of evil is accounted to him.

But when one does not have true faith, then one believes that everything is one's own, and that we think and do everything of our own power. In this way we are filled with fantasies, which stay with us, and the result of such a belief is that the evil cannot but be accounted to us, because, as we believe, it is from ourselves. For this reason also, evil cannot easily be bent into good, but rather, good is bent into evil, which takes root and increases, even until the person acquires a character, such as remains after death, when he or she is purged of that fantasy by means of punishments. 1748, the 7th day of January.

mThus when one has not faith, one takes on [false] convictions, which have to be rooted out.n

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 455


It may appear as doubtful that although nothing that man thinks and does is his, because he is led by spirits, nevertheless he still becomes guilty of sins, and will suffer the punishments of the doers of evils; but this is perceived from faith when man is in the truth of faith. He then believes, as is the truth, that nothing is his, because he is led by God Messiah in the way of truth, or in the truth of faith, and then all evil is bent into good, thus nothing of evil is imputed to him. But on the other hand, when he is not in the truth of faith, he then believes that everything is his own, and that he both thinks and acts from himself, thus he is imbued with phantasies which remain, and therefore such a faith cannot but be imputed to him as evil, because, as he believes, he acts from himself. Wherefore evil cannot be easily bent into good, but rather good into evil, which strikes root and is increased, even until the man acquires a nature which remains such after death; that phantasy is then vastated by punishments. 1748, Jan. 7. Thus when he is not in faith, he puts on persuasions which must be eradicated.

Experientiae Spirituales 455 (original Latin 1748-1764)

455. Quomodo intelligendum. cum Deus Messias ducat omnes per spiritus et angelos, ut nihil eorum sit, et usque reifiant peccatorum

Ut dubium apparet, quod homo tametsi nihil ejus sit, quod cogitat et agit, quia a spiritibus ducitur, usque tamen reus fiat peccatorum, et luiturus est factorum malorum poenas, sed hoc percipitur ex fide; dum homo in veritate fidei est, tunc credit, sicut verum est, quod nihil ejus sit, quia in via veritatis seu in veritate fidei, a Deo Messia ducitur, et omne malum tunc flectitur in bonum, ita nihil mali ei imputatur, at vero dum non in veritate fidei est, tunc credit, quoc omne suum sit, et [se] ex semet et cogitare, et agere, ita phantasiis imbuitur, quae remanent, et sic talem fidem [habens] non potest non imputari ei malum, quia, ut credit, ex se quare nec facile potest malum in bonum flecti, sed potius bonum in malum, quod radicem figit, et augetur, usque dum homo trahit indolem, qualis remanet post mortem; ea phantasia tunc per punitiones vastatur. 1748, die 7 Jan Induit sic persuasiones dum non in fide, quae eradicandae.'

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