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《灵界经历》 第4563节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4563

4563. About the hell of adulterers

The hell of adulterers is beneath the buttocks in excrement there. They are constantly trying to get themselves out of it. They want to come into the world more than others because they also had been among such as had loved worldly and bodily things more than the rest. On a certain night when I was awake, a sputtering eruption appeared, as when ashes overlying a pile of live coals and burning wood belch smoke. I wondered what this symbolized, as well as the feeling of heat striking my buttocks and the backside of my genitals. It was said that this hell is constantly endeavoring to thrust itself forward in this way.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4563


(The hell of adulterers is under the buttocks. Those there are in excrements. They continually endeavor to roll themselves out thence for they desire more than others to come into the world, because they have also been such as loved mundane and corporeal things above everything else. In a certain night, while awake, there appeared there an egurgitation and rising up, as occurs with ashes under which are live coals and firebrands. A mass of them threw themselves forth with smoke. I wondered what it could signify: And also it struck a warm sensation to the cauda 1and back part of the loins. It was said that that hell is in the continual endeavor to thus project itself.)


1. The allusion seems to be to the bunch of nerve-roots called the cauda equina, which is situated at the extremity of the spinal column.

Experientiae Spirituales 4563 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4563. De inferno adulterorum

Infernum adulterorum est sub natibus, ibi in excrementitiis, inde conantur continue se evolvere, nam prae aliis volunt venire in mundum, quia etiam inter tales fuerunt, qui mundana et corporea prae reliquis amaverunt; nocte quadam cum vigil apparuit ibi egurgitatio, et elevatio, sicut cum cinis sub quo prunae et torres, strues ex illis, se ejiciunt cum fumo, miratus quid sigificaret, et quoque sentitum calidum percutiens caudam et posteriorem partem lumborum, dictum quod infernum illud in continuo conatu sit se projiciendi ita.

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