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《灵界经历》 第4566节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4566

4566. About hell

Several times during sleep, I have been led through various places in hell, and then into out-of-the-way places from which I desired to be on the way. But then everywhere I encountered spirits who were bandits, an enormous number, who were intent on nothing else than plundering and killing. This happened several times for several hours, and afterwards I spoke with angels, saying that the hells today are very, very full of such spirits, for inwardly they want nothing else than to plunder and kill.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4566


Several times, during sleep, I was conducted through various places in hell, and then into out of the way places, from which I longed [to get] into the highway: but then, everywhere, I came across spirits who were robbers - and this in immense abundance - who cherished no other purpose than to plunder and kill. Several times was I thus [led about) for several hours; and I afterwards observed to the angels, that, at this day, the hells are very full of such characters; for, inwardly, they desire nothing else than to plunder and kill.

Experientiae Spirituales 4566 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4566. De Inferno

Aliquoties in somno deductus sum per varia loca inferni, et tunc in devia, a quibus desideravi in viam, sed tunc ubivis offendi spiritus, qui erant latrones, et hoc immensa copia, qui non aliud intentabant quam spoliare et necare, aliquoties ita per aliquot horas, et postea loquutus cum angelis, quod inferna hodie plenissima talibus sunt, intus enim non aliud cupiunt quam spoliare et necare.

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