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《灵界经历》 第4721节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4721

4721. About Profaned things

A room plastered snowy white on the inside was opened on one side. It was built of brick stones, but they were plastered. There, up against the wall, a bed was seen. The man there looked like nothing but a charred, black, bony something, out of which a black cloud rose by the wall. What was profane was there. The skin of such a charred black body looks white; the inner part of such a body was the black cloud which is also like [him]. And it was thrown into another place.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4721


There was opened, on one side, a certain chamber, inwardly plastered with something snowy. It was constructed of brick-work, but plastered. A bed appeared by the wall there. He who was there seemed like nothing else than some bony, black, charred thing, from which there rose, along the wall, a black vapor. He who was there was a profaner. The covering which is outside of the charred, black body appears white. The interior part was such a black vapor as this was also like; he was, moreover, cast into another place.

Experientiae Spirituales 4721 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4721. De Prophanatis

Aperiebatur ab uno latere aliqua camera intus incrustata niveo, constructa a saxis lateritiis, sed incrustata, ibi ad parietem apparuit lectus, qui ibi non visus nisi sicut nigrum quoddam adustum osseum, ex quo ad parietem assurgebat nubes nigra; erat prophanum ibi, tegumentum quod extra tale adustum nigrum corpore apparet album; interior pars talis erat nubes nigra, quae etiam similis, et conjiciebatur in alium locum.

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