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《灵界经历》 第4750节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4750

4750. The nature of self-love can be evident from this, for inwardly C[harles] XII had more self-love than all others, and it infected him in his life and doctrinal thought, specifically:

1) he wanted not only to put hell under his control and become the greatest devil, but also

2) put heaven under his control and place his throne above the Divine,

3) entirely deny the Divine, and believe that it is nothing more than what thinks and wills in man, thus it is man.

4) They (who love themselves) root God out of their hearts and deny Him with the result that they condemn those to death who from conscience maintain [otherwise], which I actually heard him frightfully do when he heard someone [expressing belief].

5) He denies all good and truth, thus all faith and charity. Such is the nature of those whose inner person's life is self-love.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4750

4750. It could hence be evident of what quality is self-love for Charles XII was interiorly in self-love beyond all men, and had imbued it in life and doctrine; in that, namely, first, he not only wished to subjugate hell and become the greatest devil; but also, secondly, to subjugate heaven and place his throne above the Divine; thirdly, wholly to deny the Divine, and to believe it no other than that, in man, which thinks and wills, thus man; fourthly, in that [all such] thus root out God Himself from their hearts, and deny Him, so as to sentence, as it were, to death, those that deliberately affirm a God - which, also, he himself did in a dreadful manner, when he heard a certain one do so; and fifthly, in that he denies all things of good and truth, thus all things of faith and charity. Such are those, the life of whose internal man is self-love.

Experientiae Spirituales 4750 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4750. Qualis est amor sui, inde constare potuit, nam Carl. XII prae omnibus in amore sui interius fuerat, et eum imbuerat vita et doctrina, quod nempe

1) non solum subjugare vellet infernum, et fieri maximus diabolus: sed etiam

2) subjugare coelum, et ponere thronum supra Divinum.

3) Prorsus negare Divinum, et credere id non aliud esse, quam quod in homine cogitat et vult, ita homo.

4) Quod ipsum Deum eradicent corde suo ita, ac negent, ut devoveant quasi morti illos qui ex animo statuunt, quod etiam ipse fecit dire cum audivit quendam.

5) Quod neget omnia boni et veri, ita omnia fidei et charitatis. Tales sunt quorum vita interni hominis est amor sui.

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