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《灵界经历》 第4755节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4755

4755. About Breathing

It was said, as was also realized from things learned earlier, that every society of heaven has as its own peculiar breathing, distinct from the breathing of another society, likewise every society of hell. The reason is that all breathing takes place in accord with affections, and from this with thoughts, consequently in accord with loves and beliefs. This breathing in question is varied by its origins, successive stages, and many other things. From it is also known where [in heaven] anyone comes from, and this happens naturally without any previous knowledge because it is according to order.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4755


It was said, and was also well discerned from previously-known facts, that every society of heaven has its own peculiar respiration, distinct from the respiration of any other society, and that every infernal society is similarly characterized. The reason is, because all respiration is circumstanced according to affections and the thoughts thence arising, consequently, according to loves and faiths. This respiration is varied, from origins, progressions and several things. It is thence also known whence everyone is, and this naturally and without previous knowledge, because it is according to order.

Experientiae Spirituales 4755 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4755. 1

De Respiratione

Dictum, quod etiam apperceptum ex cognitis prius, quod unaquaevis societas coeli suam peculiarem respirationem habeat, distinctam a respiratione alterius societatis, similiter quod unaquaevis societas infernalis, causa est, quia omnis respiratio se habet secundum affectiones, et inde cogitationes, consequenter secundum amores et fides; respiratio illa variatur ex originibus, progressionibus, et pluribus, noscitur inde quoque unusquisque unde est, et hoc naturaliter absque praevia scientia, quia est secundum ordinem.


1. 4754 invenias confrmiter auctoris indiciis post 4752 insertum

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