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《灵界经历》 第4757节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4757

4757. About revealed Theology, or the Word, and about natural Theology

For several days there was an unpleasant discussion among certain who believed in the Word, that everything there was from the Divine and so in itself Divine. Those who were arguing [with them] were spirits who in their bodily life had believed that natural Theology was superior, and that it shed light on the former and not vice versa. Such was the animosity, but it came from the side of those who were in favor of natural theology and not from the side of those who were in favor of the Word. The former attacked them cruelly for several days and breathed nothing other than their death as to both body and soul. They also let hells into themselves, which acted through them, and did so to the point that the hells spoke through them entirely. They not only denied that the Word, that is, revelation, has any validity, they were contemptuous because of its so very inelegant and dissonant style, as they say; and so at heart they entirely rejected it.

[2] It was explained to them that the style was such because it contained most profound hidden things which are laid open in the three heavens in succession, that there is Divine wisdom in it, and that their heavenly and spiritual nourishment comes from it. For the heavens are joined together with mankind, especially with those [people] who are members of the Church, and they dwell in their good affections. Thus they make one with the person of the Church through the Word. But still [those who believed in natural Theology], could not accept this. They understood, of course, that this was so, and they also knew that [they were] in the other life, but because they were such in bodily life, it did not remain with them. Nevertheless, the hells acted through them, and as a result they made every effort to destroy those who had faith in the Word. From this it is evident how it is with those who have believed that it is known from nature that there is a Divine and what its nature is, that there is heaven and a hell, that there is a life after death, to be precise, they believe nothing at all. The reason is that they are seeing in the light [lumine] of nature and not in the spiritual light [lux] of heaven. This is the case with those who have a hellish nature, not with those who are heavenly. Two or three of these were known to me in the world, two were priests: Er[ik] Benz[elius]. [Sr.] 1, And[reas] Rudb[erg] 2, Ch[ristian] Wolf 3.


1. Erik Benzelius the Elder (1632ֱ709), Swedish theologian and Archbishop of Uppsala.

2. Anders Rudberg (1678ֱ744), became Dean of Skara in 1736 and died in that post.

3. Ch. Wolf was a pastor in Hamburg, not the German philosopher Ch. Wolff.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4757


For several days, there was an important discussion between certain ones who have believed the Word, and that everything there is from the Divine, thus, that it is Divine in itself. Some of those who argued were such as, in the life of the body, believed that Natural Theology should have the precedence, and that this should illustrate that, and not the reverse. There was great bitterness; but it was on the part of those who were in favor of Natural Theology and not on the part of those who were in favor of the Lord. The former infested the latter cruelly, for several days, and breathed nothing else than their destruction, both of soul and body. They also admitted the hells into themselves, to act through them; and this so far, that the hells altogether spoke through them. These not only denied that the Word, or revelation, is anything, [but even] despised it on account of its style, so simple and incongruous, as they affirm; and thus they entirely rejected it in their heart. They were then told, that it was of such a style, because it contained in itself the most profound things, which are laid open in the three heavens in order; and that in these is the Divine Wisdom, and thence the celestial and spiritual nourishment of these heavens; for the heavens are conjoined with men, especially with those who are of the Church, and dwell in their good affections; thus they make one with the man of the Church, by means of the Word. But still they could not receive it. They understood, indeed, that it was so, and also knew it, in the other life; but, because they have been of such a character in the life of the body, it has not remained with them, but the hells still acted through them, and they thus wished, with all earnestness, to destroy those who had faith in the Word. It was hence apparent how the case is with those who believe that it may be known from nature that the Divine is, of what quality it is, that there is a heaven and hell, that there is a life after death - namely, that they believe nothing at all. The reason is, because they are in the light [lumen] of nature, and not in the light [lux] of heaven; thus with infernals, not with celestials. Two or three of them were known to me in the world - Ericus Benzelius, 1Anders Kudberg, Christian Wolf. Two were priests.


1. Ericus Benzelius the elder. --Kahl is of opinion (Narratiunculoe, p. 9) the younger of the two men bearing this name in here meant; but Dr. Tafel (Documents, Vol. I., p. 608) applies the passage to the elder. The fact that the above description does not tally with that given of the younger man in other parts of the present work, (See n. 4749), compels the acceptance of Dr. Tafel's view. -EDITOR.

Experientiae Spirituales 4757 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4757. De Theologia revelata seu Verbo et de Theologia naturali

Per aliquot dies disceptatio fuit gravis inter quosdam qui crediderunt Verbo, quod ibi omne esset a Divino, ita in se Divinum, qui disceptabant erant qui in vita corporis crediderunt quod Theologia naturalis praestaret, et quod haec illustraret illam, et non vice versa; erat inimicitia talis, sed a parte illorum qui erant pro theologia naturali, et non a parte illorum qui erant pro Verbo, illi infestabant hos crudeliter per aliquot dies, et spirabant non nisi quam necem eorum tam corporis quam animae, admittebant etiam in se inferna, quae per se agerent, et hoc usque dum inferna prorsus per illos loquerentur, illi non modo negabant Verbum seu revelationem esse aliquid, contemnebant illam propter stylum tam simplicem et absonum, ut ajunt, ac ita prorsus corde suo rejiciebant; dictum tum illis quod talis stylus esset, quia in se continebat arcanissima quae patescunt in tribus coelis ordine, et quod sapientia Divina insit, et quod inde nutritio eorum coelestis et spiritualis esset, nam coeli cum hominibus imprimis illis qui ab Ecclesia sunt, conjuncti sunt, et habitant in bonis illorum affectionibus, sic unum faciunt cum homine Ecclesiae per Verbum; sed usque non potuerunt recipere id, intelligebant quidem quod ita esset, et quoque sciebant [quod] in altera vita, sed quia tales fuerunt in vita corporis, non remansit apud illos, sed usque inferna agebant per illos, et illi sic omni studio perdere illos volebant qui fidem Verbo habuerunt. Inde patuit quomodo se habet cum illis qui credunt quod ex natura sciatur quod Divinum sit, quale sit, quod coelum et infernum, quod vita post mortem, quod nempe prorsus nihil credant, causa est quia in lumine naturae sunt, et non in luce coeli, ita cum infernalibus non cum coelestibus; duo vel 3 ex illis mihi noti in mundo fuerunt, 2 fuerunt sacerdotes, Er. Benz. And. Rudb. Ch. Wolf.

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