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《灵界经历》 第4759节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4759

4759. Some in the other life who are like this stink like bedbugs. In a word, those who have faith from revelation can be strengthened by things from nature and by such things as are matters of natural Theology, and also by miracles. The reason is that they have an affirmative attitude, and they bring all things to this viewpoint, [which they can do] chiefly because they are in the light of heaven and from this can see the things that are in nature. Those, on the other hand, who do not have faith from revelation, cannot be strengthened in faith by things from nature and by such things as are matters of natural Theology, nor by miracles. The reason is that they have a negative attitude, and when this rules, all things are led to this viewpoint or explained so that they agree with it, chiefly because they are in nature's light [lumen] not enlightened by heavenly light [lux].

[2] For outer matters can be seen from inner ones, that is to say, what comes later can be seen from what comes earlier, and effects can be seen from causes, but not vice versa. Angels of heaven can see what happens in the hells and the evils and falsities there, but those in hell cannot see the things that are in the heavens or the goods and truths there. The reason is that the former are in the light [lux] of heaven, the latter in the light [lumen] of hell which is of the quality of the light of nature not enlightened by the light of heaven. This former light is what in the Word is called darkness.

4759. 1/2. About those who do not seek out and assemble definite doctrinal principles from the Word, but merely remain in the literal sense

I was shown that there are some who do not assemble definite doctrinal teachings for themselves from the Word, yet are familiar with the Word and apply it to whenever comes into their thought, and that they remain solely in the literal sense, but do not seek out truths from it. Those who do this can confirm whatever they want from the Word, including things that are false, for the things that are in the literal sense of the Word are general containers. The things that come from genuine truths then scarcely appear.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4759

4759. Some of such a character in the other life smell offensively, like house-lice; in a word, they who have faith from revelation, can be confirmed from nature, and from such things as pertain to Natural Theology, as also from miracles: the reason is, because they are in the affirmative state, and bring all things to that point of view, and especially, because they are in the light [lux] of heaven, and are able to see things in nature from that light. But, on the other hand, they who have not faith from revelation, cannot be confirmed from nature, and from such things as belong to Natural Theology, nor from miracles: the reason is, because they are in the negative - and, when this rules, everything is brought to that point of view, or so explained, that it might agree with it, and especially, because they are in the light [lux] of nature not illustrated by the light [lux] of heaven; for exteriors can be seen from interiors, or posteriors from prior things, and effects from causes, but not the reverse. The angels of heaven can see what things are happening in the hells, and the evils and falsities there; but the infernals cannot see what things are in the heavens, nor the goods and truths there. The reason is, because the former are in the light [lux] of heaven, but the latter in the light [lumen] of hell, which is such as is the light [lumen] of nature not illustrated by the light [lux] of heaven. This light [lumen] is what in the Word is called darkness.


It was shown me that there are some who do not procure for themselves sure doctrinals from the Word, but know the Word, and apply it to whatsoever comes into the thought, and that they remain merely in the sense of the letter; they do not, however, diligently seek truths therefrom. Those who do this, can confirm, from the Word, whatever they please, even falses; for those things which are in the sense of the letter of the Word, are general vessels, which scarcely appear, then, to be from genuine truths.)

Experientiae Spirituales 4759 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4759. Quidam tales in altera vita foetent sicut pediculi domestici. Verbo qui fidem habent ex revelatione, illi possunt confirmari ex natura, et ex talibus quae sunt Theologiae naturalis, ut et ex miraculis, causa est quia in affirmativo sunt, et illuc deducunt omnia, praecipue quia in luce coeli sunt, et inde possunt videre quae in natura; at vicissim qui non fidem habent ex revelatione, illi non possunt confirmari ex natura, et ex talibus quae sunt Theologiae naturalis, nec ex miraculis, causa est quia in negativo sunt, et cum hoc regnat illuc deducitur omne, aut explicatur ut conveniat, praecipue quia in lumine naturae non illustrato a luce coeli sunt; nam ex interioribus possunt videri exteriora, seu ex prioribus posteriora, ac ex causis effectus, non autem vice versa; angeli coeli possunt videre quae fiunt in infernis, et mala ac falsa ibi, at infernales non possunt videre quae in coelis, nec bona et vera ibi, causa est, quia illi in luce coeli sunt, hi in lumine inferni, quod est quale est lumen naturae non illustratum a luce coeli; hoc lumen est quod in Verbo vocatur tenebrae.

4759 1/2. De illis qui non certa doctrinalia ex Verbo exquirunt et faciunt, sed solum manent in sensu literae

Ostensum mihi, quod quidam sint qui non certa doctrinalia sibi ex Verbo faciunt, sed sciunt Verbum, et applicant ad quodcunque in cogitationem venit, et quod illi maneant mere in sensu literae, non autem exquirunt vera ex illo, qui hoc faciunt possunt ex Verbo confirmare quicquid volunt, et quoque falsa, nam quae in sensu literae Verbi sunt, sunt vasa communia, quae a veris genuinis vix dein apparent.

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