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《灵界经历》 第4804节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4804

4804. The reason they believe likewise that they cannot do good, that the good of life does nothing for eternal life, and that all good is meritorious, is because they are not able to do good from the Lord but from themselves. This is because they hold such a belief as has been shown above about the Lord and because they believe that they alone are saved and that all others are condemned and thus make faith meritorious, and also because God the Father gives it only to those who have faith in Him [John 3:15-18]. For these reasons they believe that salvation does not take place through the good of life but through faith. When such do good it is not genuine good.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4804

4804. That, in like manner, they believe that they cannot do good, and that the good of life contributes nothing towards eternal life, and that all good is meritorious, is because they are not able to do good from the Lord, but from themselves; inasmuch as they believe concerning the Lord in the way shown above; and, also, because they believe that they alone are saved, and all the rest condemned, and so make faith meritorious: further, because God the Father has granted [salvation] to those only who have faith in Him; therefore, that salvation does not take place by the good of life, but by faith. When such do good, it is not good.

Experientiae Spirituales 4804 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4804. Quod credant similiter quod non bonum facere possint, et quod bonum vitae nihil faciat ad vitam aeternam, et quod omne bonum sit meritorium, est quia non possunt facere bonum, a Domino, sed ab ipsis, quia ita credunt de Domino, ut supra ostensum, et quoque quia credunt quod illi soli salventur, et omnes reliqui condemnentur, et sic faciant fidem meritoriam, tum quia Deus Pater dederit illos solum, qui fidem in Ipsum habent [Joh. III: 15-18], ideo quod salvatio non fiat per bonum vitae sed per fidem; tales cum faciunt bonum, non est bonum.

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