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《灵界经历》 第4825节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4825

4825. About outer sensory light and about the chin

There were two who at the time had been appointed to eminent positions (De la Gardie 1and Cedercreutz). They spoke to each other. They were in the region of the sole of the foot, and the light of their understanding was communicated to me. It quivered before the eyes like sqwimrande arslis 2and took away all light, that is to say, all understanding of interior things, so that I was not able to grasp anything, that is, not any connection of things, not even in regard to moral life, scarcely anything in civil life, nothing at all in spiritual life. This, furthermore, was demonstrated by various things. This went on for two hours and took away, as said, the ability to think, leaving only a way of thinking that did not go beyond that of animals. It was an outward sensory light. They have such light because they care about nothing but bodily things and pleasures of the body, eating, drinking, entertainment, talking about such things, especially because they love themselves more than others. It was said by angels that people today are for the most part such as this. For this reason they dwell in darkness where there is scarcely any light, and they become carnal.

These two flowed into my chin and did so manifestly. It was evident from this that the thoughts of such things flow into this part of the face, which is scarcely the face, but below the face where the beard is.


1. De la Gardie was an old and well-known Swedish family of French origin; Kahl suggests that it may have been Magnus de la Gardie.

2. Swedish for "glistening buttocks"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4825


There were two, who were, at the time, established in a post of dignity (De la Garde 1and Cedercreutz). These spoke together. They were in the region of the sole; and there was communicated to me the light [lumen] of their understanding, which vibrated before the eyes like. . ., and took away all light [lumen], or all understanding of things in an interior manner, so that I could apprehend nothing, that is, not any connection of things, not even in moral life, scarcely anything in civil life, and nothing at all in spiritual. This was also confirmed by various things. This lasted for the space of two hours, and took away, as was said, the faculty of thinking, there being left only a mode of thinking, that [the faculty] might not perish as it does with beasts. It was external sensual light [lumen]. Such was their light [lumen], because they cared for nothing else but corporeals and the corporeal things of life, only for eating, drinking, amusing themselves, speaking of such things, and especially because they loved themselves more than others; and it was said, by angels, that the men of this day are for the most part of such a character: wherefore, they dwell in gloom, where there is hardly anything of light [lumen], and become corporeal. These two inflowed, in my case, into the chin, and this, manifestly. Hence it was evident, that the thoughts of such inflow into that part of the face, which is hardly the face but below the face, where the beard is.


1. Dr. Kahl suggests (Narratiunculoe, P. 17), that this may be intended for De la Gardie, and that a certain Magnus de la Gardie may be meant.

Experientiae Spirituales 4825 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4825. De lumine sensuali externo et de mento

Erant duo, qui tunc in dignitate constituti fuerunt, (De la Gardie och Cedercreutz), illi loquuti inter se, erant ad regionem plantae, et communicabatur mecum lumen eorum intellectus, quod ante oculos vibrabat sicut sqwimrande arslis 1

; et abstulit omne lumen seu omnem intellectum rerum interius, sic ut nihil capere possem, hoc est, non aliquem nexum rerum, neque in morali vita, vix aliquid in civili, et prorsus nihil in spirituali, quod etiam per varia confirmabatur, hoc perstabat per bihorii tempus, et abstulit, ut dictum, facultatem cogitandi, relicto solum modo cogitandi non procul quam sicut apud bestias, erat lumen sensuale externum; tale iis lumen fuit, quia nihil aliud curarunt, quam corporea, et corporeorum voluptates, edere, bibere, ludere, loqui de talibus, imprimis quia amaverunt se, supra alios; et dictum ab angelis, quod homines hodie quoad plurimam partem tales sint, quare habitant in obscuro, ubi vix aliquid luminis, et fiunt corporei. Illi bini influebant in mentum apud me, et hoc manifeste; inde patuit quod talium cogitationes in illam partem faciei influant, quae est vix facies sed infra faciem ubi barba.


1. h.e. skimrande arsbakar = clunes vibrantes (voces suecicae)

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