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《灵界经历》 第4853节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4853

4853. About good dogs

In a dream there was with me a good dog that I seemed to be leading on a small rope. He was quick and energetic. Sometimes he took big drinks. When I was awake I was told that such dogs are a craving to learn and to teach such things as pertain to doctrine. In a word, when the longings are good they are good dogs, and when they are bad they are bad dogs. 1


1. Here in the ms a paragraph follows that is incomplete and unnumbered, clearly deleted, that J. F. I. Tafel includes in his text:

About Boll

In a dream I came into a Church where he was preaching. I was near the pulpit. He sensed that I was present. Because of this he was unable to preach, as he in fact said. He said the reason [was] that

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4853


In my sleep, there was with me a dog, which I seemed to lead by a cord; he was lively and energetic, and sometimes drank largely. Having waked, I was instructed that such dogs are appetites of speaking and teaching such things as pertain to doctrine. In a word, that when the appetites are good, the dogs are good, and when evil, the dogs are evil.


(In sleep, I came to a temple where he was preaching, and approached the pulpit. He became sensible of the fact that I was present; wherefore he could not preach, as also he said. He said the reason was, that)


1. Or, perhaps, more correctly, Ball - See Kahl's Narratiunculoe, p. 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 4853 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4853. De canibus bonis

In somno mecum erat canis, quem ducere visus sum in funiculo, erat alacer, et impiger, qui quandoque large bibebat, evigilatus instructus sum, quod canes tales sint appetitus dicendi et docendi talia quae doctrinae sunt; verbo cum boni appetitus, quod sint boni canes, et cum mali sint mali canes. 1


1. his sequitur in ms. Articulus inabsolutus nec numeratus, clare deletus, quem tamen inclusit J. F. I. Tafel suo textui:

De Boll.

In somno in Templum veni, ubi ille praedicabat, approximabam ad pulpitum, ille sensit hoc, quod adessem, quare non potuit praedicare, quod etiam dixit, causam dixit, quod.

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