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《灵界经历》 第4863节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4863

4863. They are naked there since they have no spiritual light, which is the light of understanding. A certain one appeared to me in a dusky light, like a cloud in which there was something naked. A certain one also appeared clothed in some kind of light garment. He was among those who have something of conceptual thought.

They correspond to heavenly things by being in opposition.

The light there is somewhat dusky. I saw the light of a candle brought in, and the light coming from it was quite bright.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4863

4863. Those in that hell are naked, since they have no spiritual light, which is intellectual light. A certain one appeared to me in obscure light, like a cloud in which was something naked. Another, however, appeared as if girded with a certain very slight under-garment. He was amongst those who have somewhat of an idea of thought. They correspond, by virtue of opposition, to the celestials. The light [lux] there, is very obscure. I saw the light [lumen] of a candle brought in thither, and the light [lux] from it was quite bright.

Experientiae Spirituales 4863 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4863. Sunt ibi nudi, quoniam illis non spiritualis lux, quae est lucis intellectualis, apparuit quidam mihi in luce obscura, sicut nubes in qua nudum; quidam usque apparuit aliquo leviculo indusio quasi cinctus, qui erat, inter illos quibus aliquid ideae cogitationis. Correspondent ex opposito coelestibus. Lux ibi est admodum obscura, vidi lumen candelae illuc inferri, et inde lux satis tersa.

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