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《灵界经历》 第4918节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4918

4918. In the process of descent they are stripped of the holy aura, which was the Lord's, that they had on the mountain. It was said to them that they have this aura of the Lord around them and that they are inside it with their pride, hatreds, vengeful feelings, and the like, but that the angels have the aura of the Lord in them, or rather among themselves, so that they are angels of the Lord. The former, however, due to their pride, hatred, vengefulness, and the like are devils.

There are very many such and they rise up the mountain and then go back down.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4918

4918. In the descent, they are deprived of the holy sphere - which is the Lord's - that they possess on the mountain. They were told that they have that sphere of the Lord around them, and that they are inside that sphere, with their pride, hatreds, revenges and the like, but that angels have the sphere of the Lord in themselves, or within them; so that the latter are angels of the Lord, but they, from pride, hatred, revenges and the like, are devils. There are very many such; and they raise themselves up there, and they descend.

Experientiae Spirituales 4918 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4918. In descensu exuuntur sphaera sancta, quae Domini, quam habent in monte; illis dictum, quod illi sphaeram Domini habeant circum se, et quod illi sint intra illam sphaeram, cum suo fastu, odiis, vindictis et similibus; at quod angeli habeant sphaeram Domini in se, seu intra se, ita quod hi angeli Domini sint; illi autem ex fastu, odio, vindictis et similibus, sunt diaboli. Sunt perplures tales: et assurgunt ibi, ac descendunt.

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