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《灵界经历》 第4921节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4921

4921. A certain one of the spirits around me had brought with him from the world the idea that the hells are not like this. He began to have doubts about there being such great evils there, saying they are good when at home. But he was led there and let into one house and there into the rooms in which he saw a huge number of hellish spirits. In one room he saw many spirits of hell who were so evil they were trying to kill one another. In another they were tearing into each other and constantly quarreling. In another they were eating unpleasant things, that is filthy intestines; in another something else. Those who have an evil nature of the same kind are in the same room and held imprisoned there, for their guards stand outside to prevent them from going out and [others] from coming in unless they have permission.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4921

4921. A certain one of the spirits around me took from the world the notion that there are no such hells. He began to doubt concerning such great evils there, saying that in the houses there they are good; but he was brought to that place, and let in to one house, and introduced there into the chambers, in which he saw a multitude of the infernals. In one chamber they were in such evil that they were attempting to kill one another; in another they were mutilating each other, and were one after another overcome. In other chambers they ate vile things, such as filthy intestines; in another other things. Those who are in similar evil are in a similar chamber, and are there detained in prison; for sentinels stand without, to prevent them going away, and to prevent any from entering but those who are permitted.

Experientiae Spirituales 4921 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4921. Quidam ex spiritibus circum me, ex mundo traxit, quod inferna non sint talia, incipiebat dubitare de tantis malis ibi, dicens quod in domibus ibi sint boni, sed is deductus illuc, et immissus uni domui, ac intromissus ibi in cameras, in quibus vidit multitudinem infernalium, in una camera qui in tali malo ut conarentur interficere unus alterum, in altera lacerabant se mutuo, et rixabantur continuo; in aliis comedebant turpia, quae spurca intestinalia, in alia aliter, qui in simili malo sunt in simili camera sunt, et ibi detenti sunt in carcere, nam custodes extra stant ne exeant, et ne intrent nisi qui permissi.

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