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《灵界经历》 第4923节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4923

4923. About the heavens

That where heaven is things like mountains and hills are seen was further pointed out by the fact that from these mountains still higher mountains are seen whose tops are as if in the clouds in a faintly bluish light, and that there are heavenly beings there. It was also shown that when a sunset state comes upon them, the mountains then appear to sink either to the level of the lower mountains or even lower, depending on the state of the sunset at the time; and when it has passed, they are raised as they were before.

Looking down from the mountains, it looks like the sky is interwoven with or variegated by, as it were, little white clouds.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4923


It was further shown that where heaven is, there appear as it were mountains and hills; and that, from those mountains, are seen mountains still higher, whose tops are, as it were, in clouds of a dark blue color, and that there the celestials are. It was also shown, that, when a state of sunset comes to them, then those mountains appear to subside, or to sink to the level of the lower mountains, or even lower, according to the state of sunset at that time; and that they are afterwards elevated as before. From the mountains, there appears, from above, as it were a sky, with intermingled, or variegated, little white clouds, as it were.

Experientiae Spirituales 4923 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4923. De coelis

Quod appareant sicut montes et colles, ubi coelum, ostensum porro, quod ex ipsis montibus appareant montes adhuc altiores, quorum capita sunt quasi in nubibus, coloris coerulescentis obscuro, et quod ibi sint coelestes; ostensum etiam quod cum status occidentis illis venit, tunc appareant montes illi subsidere, vel ad planum montium inferiorum vel etiam profundius, secundum statum occidentis tunc, et quod postea eleventur ut prius. E montibus apparet desuper sicut coelum cum intertextis seu variegatis quasi nubeculis albis.

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