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《灵界经历》 第4924节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4924

4924. About heaven and about those who have faith alone

Among those who lived ahead a little to the right on a certain rock were some priests. One of these was known to me by name in the world. He had been praised for his sermons. He came to me, and when I spoke with him, then his understanding was opened so that he understood quite well everything being said. And because he imagined, as another priest observed, that he was better versed in truths than others, he was led onto a mountain to the right, along with many spirits. They were intermediaries. And when they came there, he was brought into a city, from which certain of them came and spoke with me saying that they had seen magnificent things there and angels in angelic form, which amazed them. And at first, with the aid of others, they brought light there, having been led higher to where this light was, but after this the light began to dim to the point that they saw those who were below very dimly when nevertheless they were in light.

[2] Following this, they were led to where it was warm, and then they began to feel a pain in their knees, after this in their abdominal region, and at the end around the chest. But so that the pain might not become more serious, it was reduced through the aid of intermediaries, as they were also told. From this place they then turned their faces to the rock where they had come from, which to them looked like a murky cloud. They were amazed that their home was there when nevertheless they are in light when they are there. But it was said to them that still they don't have any other light than this, because the fact is, it is like the light of winter, which is also this way when looked at from the light of spring in the heavens. So that they would be convinced of this, they were granted to speak with certain well-known priests there from their homes, where there was a similar and even greater murkiness. In this way they were taught what light from truths they had. The pain then grew worse toward the higher regions and began to torment them. They hurried to go down from there as quickly as they could, saying that this was not heaven for them but hell and that they no longer had the desire to go up there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4924


There were certain priests from those who dwell upon a certain rock in front, a little to the right. One of them was known to me, by name, in the world, and was extolled for his preaching. This one came to me, and then, while I spoke with him, his intellectual faculty was opened so that he could apprehend quite intelligently all the things that were said; and, inasmuch as he supposed, as was observed by another priest, that he was in truths more than others, therefore he was brought with many spirits who were intermediates [i. e. subject spirits] to a mountain on the right; and, when they came thither, they were introduced into a cloud, from whence certain ones spoke with me, saying that they saw magnificent things there, and angels in the angelic form, at which they wondered; and, at first, by means of the tempering mediums, they sustained the light there. They were led to loftier places where they had light; but afterwards, the light began to be obscured, so that they saw those who were below there in considerable obscurity, when yet they were in light. Afterwards, they were led where there was heat there; and then they began to suffer pain in the knees, presently, in the region of the stomach, and at last, about the breast; but, lest that pain should become more grievous, it was moderated by the tempering mediums - as, also, they were told. From that place they then turned their faces to the rock from whence they came, which appeared to them like a dark cloud. They wondered that their dwellings are in that darkness, while yet, when they themselves are in that place, they are in light there; but they were told, that still they have no other light, because it is as it were the light of winter, which is seen from the light of spring which is in the heavens, to be of such a character. That they might be confirmed in this, it was granted them to speak with certain known priests there, from the habitations of the latter, where was a similar and even greater darkness. Thus they were instructed in what light of truth they were. Then [as they advanced] towards higher places, the pain became grievous and began to torment them; and they hastened to descend from thence as quickly as possible, saying that it is not heaven to them, there, but rather hell, and that they had no further desire to ascend thither.

Experientiae Spirituales 4924 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4924. De coelo et de illis qui in fide separata

Erant quidam sacerdotes ex illis qui antrorsum ad dextrum paulum super quadam petra habitant, unus illorum in mundo notus quoad nomen, laudatus ob suas praedicationes, ille ad me veniebat, et tunc cum eo loquutus, aperiebatur intellectuale ejus, ut satis intelligenter caperet omnia quae dicebantur, et quia ille putabat, quod ab altero sacerdote observatum, quod in veris esset prae aliis, ideo deductus est cum pluribus spiritibus, qui mediationes, in montem ad dextrum, et cum illuc veniebant, introductus in urbem, unde mecum quidam loquuti, dicentes quod viderent ibi magnifica, et angelos forma angelica, quam mirabantur; et primum per mediationes sustinebant lucem ibi, ducti ad editius ubi lux illa, sed postea incepit lux obscurari, adeo, ut viderent illos qui ibi infra in multo obscuro, cum tamen essent in luce; postea ducti ubi calor ibi, et tunc inceperunt dolorem accipere in genubus, postea in ventris regione, et tandem circum pectus, sed ne ingravesceret magis dolor, ille temperatus est per mediationes, ut quoque illis dictum. Ex loco illo tunc vertebant faciem ad petram unde illi, quae apparuit illis sicut nubes caliginosa, mirabantur quod ibi eorum domicilium cum tamen ibi in luce sunt, cum ibi, sed dicebatur illis, quod usque non alia lux illis, quia est sicut lux hyemalis, quae talis conspicitur ex luce vernali quae in coelis; ut confirmarentur in eo, loqui dabatur illis cum quibusdam notis sacerdotibus ibi e domiciliis eorum, ubi simile caliginosum et adhuc majus; ita instructi in qua luce veri essent. Ingravescebat tunc dolor versus superiora, qui angere illos coepit, unde accelerabant descendere tam cito ac possent, dicentes quod ibi non illis sit coelum, sed potius infernum, et quod non magis cuperent illuc ascendere.

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