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《灵界经历》 第4926节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4926

4926. There was one rocky prominence on which there was a rather large city where those were who had faith alone, separated from charity, believing as they did in the world that having faith alone saves and that this then happens from mercy whatever the nature of one's life had been. They have a strong desire for control on which account they stood at the sides of a cliff and attacked those below in various ways. They were frequently told that they should not do this, and the worst were also separated from them. Nevertheless the rest did not want them to be separated nor did they want them to be driven away from them; consequently they went along with them in their evils and crimes. Because of this, when all urging was of no avail, this rock together with the city and its inhabitants began to sink, ultimately all the way into the deep. It was said that something similar is also happening in another place where they are not living in a life of faith. The better there, however, left before this. It was said that they are like those who are meant by the goats who were at the Lord's left, written about in Matthew [25:33]. When the rock sinks down, then there is only a city there, where there is a collection of evil spirits who had faith apart from charity when they had been people on earth. But before this happens, the good spirits, that is, those who have lived in faith and together with this in charity, thus who have the good which comes from faith and those who have good which comes from charity, are taken away from there. As a consequence an open space is then seen. The homes [built] of wood remain, in which they live in the outskirts of such a city, for they have the goodness coming from charity and faith.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4926

4926. There was one rock, upon which was quite a large city, where were those who are in faith alone, separated from charity. They believed, as in the world, that faith alone saves, and, at the same time, that it is from mercy, whatever might be the quality of the life. These reveled in the lust of governing; wherefore, they stood at the sides of the rock, and infested, in various ways, those that were beneath. They were often told that they should not do so; and the worst ones were also separated from thence; but yet the rest did not wish that they should be separated, nor to drive them away from themselves: thus, they consented to their evils and misdeeds. Wherefore, as all exhortation was in vain, that rock began to sink, and at length even into the depth, with that city and its inhabitants. It was also said that the same thing occurs in other places where they do not live the life of faith: the better ones there, however, departed previously. It was said that such are they who are understood by the goats at the left hand of the Lord, of whom mention is made in Matthew. When the rock sinks down, there is then only a city there, in which is an assemblage of evil spirits, who, while they were men, were in faith separate from charity; but, before this happens, the good are removed thence - that is, they who have lived in faith and at the same time in charity; thus, who are in the good of faith and in the good of charity. Then, consequently, a chasm appears there. There remain houses of wood, in which, in such a city, those live who are in the environs; for these [i. e. dwellers in the environs] are in the good of charity and faith.

Experientiae Spirituales 4926 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4926. Fuit una petra, super qua urbs satis magna, ubi erant qui in sola fide separata a charitate, credentes sicut in mundo quod sola fides salvet, et tunc quod ex misericordia qualiscunque vita fuerit, illi gaudebant cupidine imperandi, quapropter ad latera rupis steterunt, et illos qui infra erant variis modis infestabant, illis dictum saepe quod ita non facerent, et quoque pessimi inde separati, verum usque reliqui non volebant ut separarentur, nec illos a se abigere, ita consentiebant in eorum mala et facinora, quare cum incassum esset omnis hortatio, coepit petra illa subsidere, et tandem usque in profundum, cum urbe illa et incolis; dictum quod etiam alibi similiter fiat, ubi non vitam fidei vivunt; meliores autem ibi discesserunt prius; dictum quod tales sint qui intelliguntur per hircos qui ad sinistrum Domini, de quibus apud Matthaeum [XXV: 33]. Quando petra subsidit, tunc solum urbs ibi, ubi coetus spirituum malorum, qui cum homines fuerunt, fuerunt in fide separata a charitate, sed antequam hoc fit, removentur inde boni, hoc est, qui in fide et simul in charitate vixerunt, sic qui in bono fidei, et qui in bono charitatis, ita ibi hiatus dein apparet, remanent domus quae ex ligno, quae in tali urbe in circuitu vivunt, ii enim in bono charitatis et fidei sunt.

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